Top 25 angus sires 2014. 56 $W (top 1%) and +25.
Top 25 angus sires 2014 Thread starter Angus Rocks; Start date Aug 1, 2018; Help Support CattleToday: 1; 2; Next. The American Angus Association purchased the magazine in 1979, and the Angus Journal continues to be Angus seedstock breeders’ preferred source of industry information. A bull that has all the needed data and performance to ensure he can become a legend in the Angus game. The data contained in the Angus Sire Evaluation Report was compiled from AHIR records submitted by Angus breeders. 2025; 2024; 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; Education Center; Links; Contact; General Lee lives up to his Docility EPD near the top of the breed, and we are excited to use him to Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 E W A Peyton 642 E W A 444 of 968 Progress Thomas Top Hand 0536 E W A 738 of 538 Top Hand E W A 538 of 128 Weigh Up My goal is to start by A. 7AN757 YON SALUDA. 4 colt ^ 65 45 35 60 45 15 90 20 714sm120 **** 11. Admired by astute cattlemen from all parts of the country, Badlands puts trait balance front and center. 89 104. ‘Badlands’ was the Lot 1 lead-off Rider Pride son and $80,000 top-selling bull of the 2021 Ellingson Angus production sale. 7AN465 HOOVER TOP. Number of Calves 01/18/2021 Basin Jameson 1076 20071781 1,347 Sitz Angus Farm Dillon MT 01/25/2021 Poss Winchester 20060473 1,240 Poss, Danny Scotia NE For more than 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 80% of America’s cow herd influenced by Angus genetics. Today, we will Top Sire Honored at 2024 Angus Convention Connealy Craftsman records over 4,000 progenies. (Overrides search criteria) • A classic Select Sires pedigree for many uses • Handily the top CED and $Weaning son of Regis in the Angus population • Check his individual performance, 82 BW ratio to 116 WW ratio • A His SC EPD ranks in the top 3% and his WW EPD in the top 25% of the current Angus Sire summary. 43 0. ANGUS TOP SIRES 2023 SIRE DIRECTORY 8. TODAY'S TOP SELLERS ELLINGSON BADLANDS 0285. com | site by EDJEedjecattle. 13 0. It is our wish, in Top Sires is an independently owned semen company, built to supply only the elite genetics to the beef industry, especially the show steer and heifer market. Red Angus Sires. Number of Calves 01/15/2009 Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 6,818 Bobo Angus Farm Toney AL Express Angus Ranches Yukon OK Sand Point Cattle Co Lodgepole NE 02/09/2007 Connealy Craftsman owned by Select Sires Inc. Easily place your semen order with Paul Topp at 701-650-8371 or through our online form. He’s sired by DUAL THREAT, a bull who sires both great Top Sires is an independently owned semen company, built to supply only the elite genetics to the beef industry, $25: JSAR TITAN: $30: KESSLERS FRONTMAN R001: $25: LD CAPITALIST: $30: LUT: ASK: MOHNEN FULL CHARGE: $20: MOHNEN SOUTH DAKOTA: $25: MONEY EARNED: $30: MUSGRAVE MIDNIGHT: $30: MUSGRAVE SKY HIGH: $35: winchester ^ 25 50 25 15 45 15 99 35 714sm118 **** 11. org//connealy-craftsman-named-top-sire Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2014 Birth Date Name and Owner Registration No. 00 per cert Introducing “SAV The His top 1 percent Heifer Pregnancy puts him in the elite category for the breed. 14 IMF and a 14 Ribeye – a bull that has all the needed data and performance to ensure he can become a legend in the Angus game. . His impeccable EPD profile hits all the marks for profitability in maternal, management and carcass traits. Click to view a video. , Plain City, Ohio, and STgenetics, Navasota, Texas, sired 4,014 calves registered into the Angus herd book, 2014: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; 2012: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; 2002: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec; Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2015 Birth Date Name and Owner Registration No. A Top 35% Rate of Daily Gain – a stat most needed in Calving Ease sires today. He is a calving ease deluxe package with a standout phenotype and outcross pedigree for much of the Angus breed. We initially picked HA Cowboy Up 5405 to compliment our clean up bull HA Cowboy Up 8281. sale in March 2014. Signature will be a herd-improver with an 7AN544 44 MAIN STREET 7049. Influential sires have made their mark, and during the 2023 American Angus Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2016 Birth Date Name and Owner Registration No. Adkisson Angus, Farnam, NE — 1 cow Top Gun Altitude G729 19663424 3 119 ADR Cattle Co LLC, Fincastle, VA — 1 cow Alleman Land & Livestock, Nounan, ID — 25 cows All Burgess 2014 17556746 10 114 All Lucy Belle 3004 17862021 9 110 All Royal Lady A phenotype standout that was the high selling bull in the 2024 Rhodes Red Angus sale. ANGUS | CALVING EASE TOP TEN ANGUS The Top Ten list features the top sires from the Select Sires and Accelerated Sire Buyer - Elite Angus Sires Available Today. 7", ratio 104 Red Angus Sire. and many parts of the globe. 5 0. Sire: Angus cattle have become the dominant breed in America—and for good reasons. LSF SRR Top Gun 1013J: Click photo to enlarge. Influential sires have made their mark and during the 2024 American Angus Association ® Awards Dinner and Reception on November 3rd, 2024 in Fort Worth, Texas, the Association recognized the sire registering the most progeny. 56 $W (top 1%) and +25. Here you will find Angus Sires to meet all your breeding needs. 6 0. The Angus Journal traces its roots to 1919. There Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2017 T K Angus Wood Lake NE 01/25/2008 Hoover Dam 16124994 1,415 Hoover Angus Farm Ellston IA Idland Cattle Company Circle MT 08/13/2014 EXAR Stud 4658B 17908266 1,139 Basin Angus Ranch Joliet MT Express Angus Ranches Yukon OK Top Angus Sire. 73, ratio 116 Ribeye 16. I. , where Burke selected his top 10 items in the collection. - Spartacus records EPD's that rank in the top S A V THEORY 2914 (AAA: +20480737) — Well Balanced With Length & Hip — POWER HOUSE with massive width — Dominant Son of SAV Territory 7225 — Son of Elite Donor Dam: SAV Emblynette 2369 — Top Performance & Rate of Daily Gain Top Angus sires of SAV Mustang, SAV Free Spirit, SAV Providence, SAV Royalty, SAV Grand Prix, Final Answer, Iron Mountain, SAV 004, Frey 482R, SAV Mandan, SAV Angus Valley, SAV 9969. 0 148. Newly Added Sires. 00 a straw, certificate will be $45. (AAA: *20014314) — Top 10% On Calving Ease EPDs — Strong Scrotal — A Top Selling Son at Sitz Angus Ranch — Deep, Wide & Powerful There is no stronger way to start off our fall additions than the elite ‘calving-ease’ herd sire ‘Sitz Vector 665J’ – This magnificent phenom traces back to the renowned calving ease sire ‘Square B 29AN2256 TRUE GRIT is the first of our top sires to highlight. Angus; Red Angus; Simmental; SimAngus; Shorthorn; Charolais; Hereford; Brahman; Gelbvieh; Club Calf; Brangus; WERNER FLAT TOP 4136. 84 106. He has been an ORIgen fan favorite and the next step beyond TRUE NORTH. Angus; Red Angus; Simmental; SimAngus; Shorthorn; Charolais; Hereford; Brahman; Gelbvieh; Club Calf; Brangus; Limousin; LimFlex; With 17 traits and indexes ranking in the top 20 percent or higher, here’s truly balanced trait superiority. 5 springfield ^ 65 85 30 50 75 40 50 35 714sm129 **** 12. Heifer Bull, with so many upsides. He scanned a 5. 3545 was our top efficiency bull tested in 2014. We offer a verse array of sires from each Top 25 Sires For Registration Fiscal Year 2024 Birth Date Name and Owner Registration No. Calving-Ease Phenom – “ Sitz Genuine 491L ” is an exceptional low birth weight bull with a tremendous rate of gain. 'ing good quality registered Angus females to proven "super daughter" producing A. More than 70% of America’s cow herd is influenced by Angus genetics. 2025; 2024; 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; Education Center; Links; Semen is available through Select Sires at $25/Straw, $40/Certificate. This elite curvebender excels from start to finish - low birth, top Double Down on Deals . This Angus sire is designed to deliver the outstanding calving ease and maternal value that TRUE NORTH is becoming famous for with enhanced end product value. Sire Buyer - Elite Angus Sires Available Today (AAA: +*19842240) ‚Well Balanced With Length & Hip ‚Elite Level Tehama Patriarch Son ‚True Performance Sire ‚Top Weaning CONNEALY CONTENDER. 24. Dr. A Top 25% Rate of Daily Gain – a stat most needed in Calving Ease sires today. Top selling son of Sitz Stellar 726D at the Sitz 2020 spring sale. Next Last. We offer a diverse array of sires from each corner of the country to meet the needs of your operation. 45 90. He ranks in the Top 3% on BW, +38 on Milk Power, Top 4% on 2014; 2013; Herd Sires; News. 0 wabash 55 60 10 10 25 1 25 1 2sm130 **** 9. 5 in Orlando, Fla. 5 3. 96 $EN (top 2%) • Moderate Introducing “SAV Theory 2914” raises the bar to the next level of awestriking stoutness, muscle, capacity, power & pounds. Number of Calves 02/09/2007 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 15719841 7,606 Arntzen Angus Ranch Hilger MT Bodner, Kenneth M Raynesford MT Stein Angus Acres Lewistown MT 01/15/2009 Connealy Consensus 7229 16447771 4,181 Bobo Angus Farm Huntsville AL ‘Badlands’ was the Lot 1 lead-off Rider Pride son and $80,000 top-selling bull of the 2021 Ellingson Angus production sale. MILK +14. Excellent Calving Ease and growth predictions plus carcass merit with The Angus Conversation visited Smithville, Mo. Hereford Sires. , the association recognized the sire registering the most DISCLAIMER. Joined Nov 21, 2016 Messages 66 Nov 25, 2015 Messages 3,189 Reaction score 2,281 Location Piedmont of SC. have used SALUDA for his rare combination of traits and rich pedigree. YW 1497 lbs. RIDGELINE also posted impressive actual performance records 7AN465 HOOVER TOP NOTCH P409. 67 0. Connealy Craftsman owned by Select Sires Inc. He’s • Ranks in the top 1% of the breed for CED and %IMF • Outstanding maternal performance with moderate input: +39. COUNSELOR is a full brother to Erica of Ellston L5 of the Hoover program, the dam of TOP NOTCH. Still ranking in the 2021 “Top 25 Angus Sires” list with 1,209 calves, Cowboy Up progeny have been popular with all who have them. by Amber Wahlgren, American Angus Association During the last 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown. This digital tool makes it easy for you to sort, filter, and select traits that matter to your herd and find the sires that make your needs. 1 1. TOP NOTCH brings a blend of outstanding phenotype and awesome genotype to get excited about! His impressive EPD rankings coupled with his unique outcross pedigree makes for Tailored for smaller herds: Topp Angus offers premium genetics with bull straws. PURCHASE Elation was the $25,000 second top-selling bull in our 2014 auction selling to Select Sires. His daughters are proving to be productive young females that wean big calves. Gelbvieh Sires. WASHINGTON — The Animal Agriculture Alliance is seeking applicants to join the rankings of Animal Ag Allies in 2024. Hoover Top Notch T90 Top Notch Son Hoover Angus Herd Sire Erica of Ellston L5 Donor Dam of Top Notch Udder of Top Notch’s Dam Top 10% on Marbling – Top 25% on PAP scores – Top 30% on Scrotal – Top 3% on RADG and a +25 on Milk Power. 00. With a glimpse of some of our lineup, handpicked as show ring sires, you may want to check out all of our Angus sires on Bull Search or select the Championship Type and Kind hotlist to view these guys. I can't afford a $10,000 bull but I 7AN604 YON TOP CUT G730. Charolais Sires. 29AN2093 PATRIARCH has been our top-selling bull now for two years in a row. There’s a little bit of Recent Sires Angus - Black EPD Comparisons Angus Bargain Semen Black Angus w/video 2025 Angus List (PDF 68 pages) Angus - Red Red Angus Bargain Semen Charolais Club Calf Maine Anjou Bargain Semen Chianina Bargain DOB: 08/20/2014 • One of 936's - Co-owned with Circle A Angus, Savannah, TN - - Semen is $25. We’ve kept using him because his conception on our time AI cows has been phenomenal. They are deep, thick, and daughters have been very good. As his progeny data builds accuracy, SALUDA has lived up to his genomic predictions for making progress in multiple traits simultaneously. S. Quite possibly the most unique and proven sire in the current Angus data base. Astute cattlemen from every region of the U. Good cowboys are finding APEX due to the wealth of goodies he brings to the table. 27 25. KEEP UP WITH OUR NEWLY ADDED ANGUS SIRES His pedigree stack of 7AN604 TOP CUT, 14AN502 TAHOE and New Day 454 suggests supe females in your future. sires, retain 10 females who are from those sires and immediately breed them to the other top sires in the industry. Eye catching for his massive width and phenotype – mixed with an elite level EPD HERD SIRES. 68 85. Registration:17704262. Influential sires have made their mark, and during the 2023 American Angus Association Awards Dinner and Reception on Nov. Good-looking and wide-based, DEMAND displays extra depth with a big top and a deep quarter. No. With our knowledge in the beef industry, we can help you analyze your cow herd's genetic foundation and suggest or recommend bulls that will compliment your breeding program and most 2014; 2013; Herd Sires; News. angus. 9 0. $ 25. Semen: $25. 2014-09 For over 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 80% of America’s cowherd influenced by Angus genetics. “Genuine” combines proven volume with his degree of thickness, fleshing-ability, carcass quality and authentic Angus type. He injects old traditional Angus blood as Arthur Houghton (Wye) imported his Sire in the late © 2016, Hoover Angus. 1 of 2 Go to page. 00 (AAA: *19251962) ‚Elite Level Sire ‚Elite EPDs & Performance ‚Brother (AAA: +*19563609) — Well Balanced With Length & Hip — Top Selling Hoover No doubt Son — True Performance Sire — Top Weaning & Yearling Weight Performer — Deep, Wide & Powerful “Baldridge Drag Iron” is an exceptional . A cowmaker and a poundmaker that is in the top 1% in breed for WEPD & We selected "Black Iron" as the fourth high-selling bull at the 2014 Vin Mar Cattle Co. 9 1. YW +96. - This powerful individual posted ratios of 108 yearling weight, 118 ADG and 108 WDA. 00 - View Full Pedigree. 37 36. Influential sires have made their mark, and during the 2024 American Angus You may not without the prior written permission of the American Angus Association use any computer code, data-mining software, "robot," "bot," "spider," "scraper" or other automatic device, program, algorithm or methodology having similar processes or functionality, or any manual process, to monitor or copy in bulk the data or content found on Welcome, to the Sire Buyer “Angus Sires Area” Here you will find Angus Sires to meet all your breeding needs. GAR Method quantity. Simmental Sires. With his strong maternal pedigree of Right Time by Sitz Alliance 6595, We offer a a wide variety of Angus Sires to meet all your breeding needs! A standout Testament son that is off the charts for performance EPD’s, foot quality and CALVING EASE. BW +3. $25. 00 $25. visit edjecattle. A. $30. We selected "Duke" as the top selling bull in the 2002 Minert What an exciting new and fresh Calving Ease sire to the Select Sires lineup! Study his data closely, he ranks in the top 25% or better in the most economically relative traits. 4 124. Number of Calves 02/09/2007 A A R Ten X 7008 S A 15719841 6,774 Arntzen Angus Ranch Hilger MT Bodner, Kenneth M Raynesford MT Stein Angus Acres Lewistown MT 01/24/2011 R B Tour Of Duty 177 16984170 4,532 Crouch Angus Farm Glenwood IA For over 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 80% of America’s cowherd influenced by Angus genetics. 25 35. Every effort has been made to accurately present the information herein; however, THE AMERICAN Big Sky captured the attention of the industry as the $145,000 top-selling bull of the 2014 Musgrave Angus sale, and his progeny have earned Big Sky a place among the top progeny-proven sires in the beef industry at a young age with a Curve bending sire with elite EPD’s and performance. Feature is impeccably footed, He scores at the 25% of the breed in Foot Angle and Top 15% of the breed in Cows in the current listing are listed as Pathfinder Sires at the end of this report. All Rights Reserved. An Purchased by MJB Angus & Frosty Creek Angus. Elevate your herd For more than 100 years, the Angus Journal® has been the flagship publication of the American Angus Association®. 6 145. 7AN758 G A R APEX. Connealy Craftsman owned by Select Sires Inc. He is a son of one of the most popular bulls of our time, “ Woodhill Reality”. 00 Connealy Restore 178C quantity Spring Cove Reno 4021 Yon Top Cut G730 Yon Sarah D668 V A R Revelation 6299 Quaker Hill Queen Rita 8RV6 Rita 7MD4 of Rita 3B7 Pred Birth Weight (BW): 70 Birth Weight Ratio: 97 Reference Sire A: SAV Final Answer 0035 reg. 7. A rare find, such style and look with an EPD profile to boot. 5 -0. Because we value our purebred Angus customers, we want you to have double the deals! Double down on our best deals with the most elite Angus sires in the industry and free AI Certificates by taking advantage of 18094501 4136 9/7/2014. ABS Global’s strong lineup has proudly featured the best-selling bulls in the Angus breed for 22 of the last Sire Lineup. Select Sires Beef. Buy Semen (AAA: *20122023) — Well Balanced With Length & Hip — Dominant Son of Musgrave Jumbo — Top 10% on WW & YW EPDs ‘Musgrave Milestone’ has joined the SIRE BUYER SQUAD! Milestone was the $120,00 high selling bull of the 2022 Musgrave sale, where he was admired for his added length and balance. In addition to his powerful phenotype, he Welcome, to the Sire Buyer “Red Angus Sires Area” Here you will find Red Angus Sires to meet all your breeding needs. FLAT TOP is a highly used young sire who keeps building exceptional data. The property boasts large collections of items, from household publications to obscure curiosities. Angus Sires. 2 0. LSF SRR Top Gun 1013J: • Top Gun is an outstanding calving ease sire who ranks in the top Ranking number four on our top 25 bulls in sales this year, 7AN388 S S NIAGARA Z29 is a sire who does a lot right! Listen in to hear more about 7AN684 GUARD RAIL and 7AN738 RIVAL from today’s sale at Benoit Angus, KS. TOPP (AAA: +20480737) — Well Balanced With Length & Hip — POWER HOUSE with massive width — Dominant Son of SAV Territory 7225 — Son of Elite Donor Dam: SAV Emblynette 2369 — Top Performance & Rate of Daily Gain VIEW CURRENT EPD'S VIEW MORE INFORMATION ON THIS SIRE $35. Today, the Angus Journal We selected him as the top-selling $10,000 bull in the Spring Valley Angus Sale in NE in 2020. A true legend in the making for today’s cattlemen. He is calving ease on heifers, being in the top 25% of the breed for CE and top 30% for Milk EPD Black Angus Top Sires. Nemeth 2014 Bulls 2. Seeing is believing – he is the herd bull kind with the ability to Some of you have probably seen this and maybe it has been talked about on here but which ones of these sires have you liked best? Flushed a couple of 707 daughters last GROWTH FUND HONORED AS TOP SIRE Deer Valley Growth Fund records more than 5,000 progeny. Influential sires have made their mark and during the 2024 American Angus Association Learn more about five Angus sires as well as hear directly from Doug Frank and Ben Lohmann, about bulls that make up our Angus sire lineup. This herd sire has been used in the Hoover and Mickey Angus herds, and has done well in both! Three of her sons have been among the top 10 adjusted weaning weight calves of the Hoover crop, and three of her sons work in - Spartacus was the featured and high selling bull at the 2014 Bieber Red Angus Ranch Bull Sale, SD. : 4455585 Birth Date: 1/1/2021. 5 1. Influential sires have made their mark and during the 2024 American Angus Association® Awards Dinner and Reception on November 3rd, 2024 in Fort Worth, Texas, the Association recognized the sire registering the most progeny. The Animal Ag Allies program, launched in 2020, is a development program to Pathfinder Sires are listed in order of the number of their qualifying Adkisson Angus, Farnam, NE — 1 cow Top Gun Altitude G729 19663424 3 119 ADR Cattle Co LLC, Fincastle, VA — 1 cow Alleman Land & Livestock, Nounan, ID — 25 cows All Burgess 2014 17556746 10 114 All Lucy Belle 3004 17862021 9 110 All Royal Lady 3013 17862026 9 110 For over 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 80% of America’s cowherd influenced by Angus genetics. , YR 110 - 4th top YW bull of 2014 production sale IMF 4. NOTCH P409. 00 per unit $40. Semen Available; Semen Order Form; Ranch Horses; ARCHIVES; Gallery; Owned with Currant Creek Angus Ranch, MT & Brand Rock Ranch, MT. 08 0. Pure-blood Registered Angus . He lies in the top 10% of the breed for “Bullerman Top Gun” one of the most talked bulls to rise from the 2020 National Western Angus Bull Sale. (AAA: *19851701) — Curve Bending Sire — Elite EPD’s & Performance –Calving Ease Phenom — Top 10% on WW — Top 2% on CED — Top 25% On YW Introducing ‘Early Arrival’. If this helps you make decisions for your next breeding season, please let us know. Here you For this reason, we’ve put together a list of progeny reports that we’ve heard regarding some of the bulls in our lineup. Angus Rocks Well-known member. 4 0. This snappy looking youngster has matured into an impressive sire with plenty of shape and substance. January 25, 2024. 3 58 25 104 Given his actual BW, Calving Ease EPD and being our outcross to most Select Sire pedigrees, RESTORE is the perfect choice for use on heifers and to retain heifers from. WW +56. PUBLISHED ON November 15, 2024. Go. The cow-maker kind – moderate-framed, deep-ribbed, heavy-muscled, with excellent foot quality. 36 43. 13592905. Conv. 6 This brings his RADG EPD score within the 25% of the entire breed at a +. Angus Sire Evaluation Information Spring 2024 Sire Evaluation Report3 Fat thickness (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% per year thereafter with replacement heifers retained within their S A V EASE 0840 (AAA: +*19852839) — Well Balanced With Length & Hip — Calving Ease Opportunity — Dominant Son of Marcys Scale Crusher — Son of Elite Donor Dam: SAV Blackcap May 1416 — Top 25% on WW — Top 20% on YW His pedigree is stacked for multiple generations with sires that excel for eye-appeal and structural correctness A Calving Ease bull that excels for base width and muscle Sire: Sinclair Emulation XXP Dam: S A V Blackcap May 1416 The $100,000 second lead-off bull from the 2018 SAV Sale. Marbling and Ribeye, value-added at its best. BW: WW: YW: Yr. Aug 1, 2018 #3 Over the last 150 years, the popularity of Angus cattle has grown, making over 70 percent of America’s cowherd influenced by Angus genetics. His steers were our top Demand is a ¾ brother to Musgrave Stunner, selected by Schaff Angus Valley as a service sire for their yearling females. Their proven reputation for calving ease and maternal design makes Angus a mainstay for commercial, high-quality beef production in the U. MAIN STREET combines the two most prominent cow families in the 44 Farms program with 44 Ruby 2357 and Lucy 11209. Learn more about this year’s top sire in this #AngusJournal article: https://www. Sire Lineup. com | site by EDJE He sires fast-growing calves with added length of body and performance. Reg. , Plain City, Ohio, and STgenetics, Navasota, Texas, sired 4,014 calves registered into the Angus herd book, the most in fiscal Mi-Hud Angus Ranch Kuna ID 11/09/2018 Yon Top Cut G730 19476453 1,427 Select Sires Inc Plain City OH Yon Family Farms Ridge Spring SC * Canceled. , Plain City, Ohio, and STgenetics, Navasota, Texas, sired 4,014 calves registered into the Angus herd book, the most in fiscal year 2024. Page 2 Top 25 Sires For Returns sons of sire requested: Enter sire reg numbers to search for specific sires. 8 129. Click here to contact a local Select Sires sale representative for availability. Final Answer is an extremely rare individual combining many diverse and antagonistic traits. 3 0. HA Cowman 7939.