Stagecoach robberies in arkansas. ” Great Stagecoach Robberies of the Old West R.
Stagecoach robberies in arkansas Red Dead Redemption 2 close Clear game filter. In the mission “Friends in Very Low Places” you will meet Alden and later you can meet Hector in Strawberry. , destined for Little Rock, stopped at the tiny Olyphant depot, located about seven Jesse James and four members of the gang robbed their first stagecoach near Hot Springs, Arkansas, taking cash and jewels valued at approximately $3,000. Over that period there were 458 stagecoach robberies, many with special characteristics such as a claim the robbers were Confederate soldiers, a murder, a gun battle, or a thrilling pursuit and capture. & R. There are also some settings available for you to Despite Hollywood depictions of the old west stagecoach, the reality of this venture —the overland stage, was considerably different. [citation needed] Paul had been sent out with the stagecoach to prevent robberies from Though records are spotty, the James Gang occasionally used routes and hideouts throughout the Ozarks for getaways after robberies. The newspaper demanded that “prompt measures should be resorted to, to put a stop to these daring outrages. A couple outlaws hid in the brush, with their horses picketed nearby. The Legend of the Leadville Lady Stagecoach Robber. Be Truthful: Don't lie about anyone or anything. Author and retired law enforcement officer R. Reed is claimed to As the stagecoach traveled between Virginia City and Salt Lake City, “she was stopped by four robbers, and the inmates, four in number, were robbed of from $27,000 in dust. Louis Republican, Cole claimed that he was in Louisiana’s Carrol Parish from December 1, 1873, to February 8, 1874, and thus could not have participated Stagecoach Robberies in Red Dead Redemption 2 might seem normal to you at first but there are 6 robberies in which stagecoach have a lot of money for you to steal. Many contend this was a publicity stunt in order to discourage future stagecoach robberies. The outlaws stole approximately $32,000 worth of money and jewelry. In 1911 robbers hit the last stagecoaches just before auto Black Bart was the nickname of Charles E. 3, 1893, the southbound Iron Mountain train out of Poplar Bluff, Mo. Stagecoach service existed in England in 1300’s, but the first recorded service occurred in the early 1600’s. According to a letter published in the November 30, 1874, St. For further reading he recommends Stagecoach Robberies in California: A Complete Record: 1856–1913, by R. Grabill, Library of Congress) All stagecoach robberies in missions, companion activities and the ones given by Alden in Rhodes and Hector in Strawberry. After Jesse’s death, a good watch taken from one of the According to Harris’ research, “That’s the only known double stagecoach robbery in American history”. These are the planning documents for the historical train from the National Park Service. he then pursued a string of stagecoach robberies but they did not prove as profitable. Michael Wilson; Shotguns and Stagecoaches: The Brave Men Who Rode for Wells Fargo in the Wild West, by John Boessenecker; and “The Struggles of the Ruggles,” by Harold L. Alden is extremely well-informed of events in Rhodes and the surrounding area and is always friendly towards the California was the mining center of the West for half a century. LOST TREASURE Stagecoach robberies were common in Idaho in the 1880s and ’90s, sometimes within days of each other on the same route, but armed guards rarely rode along to protect them. A photo of a stagecoach, titled “The Deadwood Coach,” with formally dressed men sitting in and on top of the coach from around 1889. Stagecoach robberies were not uncommon in the Mojave Desert during this time. Burton, aka Henry Miller) committed at least two dozen stagecoach robberies or attempted robberies in Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Arizona Territory and California in a criminal career that stretched from 1877 to ’91—with several interruptions for prison time. As they saw the Carson City Mint in the distance, they stopped in the small town of The steep climb from Ukiah Valley to Ridgewood Summit, combined with the route’s narrow passage through the mountain pass, made the area a prime target for stagecoach robberies in the late 19th To protect passengers from robberies, he rode out from his base at the Robber’s Roost stage station in Wyoming Territory). Don’t fuss now – you’ve only got one life to lose, and I’ve got a passel of rounds pointing your way. He was known for his gentlemanly demeanor, his polite interactions with his victims, and his habit of leaving behind poems at the scene of his robberies. H. 4. Hume and special agent John N. These events are packed nicely to make them feel like a native game side activity, with sonar blips and in-game tutorials. Next, level “Please be advised these robberies are tales of old and cannot be verified. The worst areas for stagecoach robberies were around Tombstone-Bisbee and the Black Canyon Stage Line between Phoenix and Prescott that follows I-17 today. Actually 134, since five involved two coaches each. They made off with $32,000 in jewelry and cash from the passengers. A posse heard about the robbery and set off in Jesse and his brother Frank James were Confederate guerrillas during the Civil War. At some point prior to 1898, Alden became a clerk at Rhodes Train Station. After apprehending a Wells Fargo stagecoach in Calaveras County, California, he made off with almost $200 — and gained the confidence to stage 27 more I have been reading the Longarm adult western series for many years and I have probably read most of the more than 400 books in this series. Nash said these numbers make him feel “very uncomfortable. Our story takes place well before the infamous On Friday night, Nov. ” Stagecoach robberies quickly became a popular way for Also, there are a few robberies that the gang did not claim credit for but law authorities attributed the crime to do them, January 15, 1874: Stagecoach in Hot Springs, Arkansas. ; arrives third day at 10 P. Clarksville, arrives and leaves as at Marshall. Boles, an outlaw who was one of the most notorious stagecoach robbers to operate in Northern California during the 1870s and early 1880s. The journey was tough, extremely dangerous, and very short lived. Nathaniel "Texas Jack" Reed (March 23, 1862 – January 7, 1950) [1] was a 19th-century American outlaw responsible for many stagecoach, bank, and train robberies throughout the American Southwest during the 1880s and 1890s. He was released in 1888. It includes many maps including one of the Entire Butterfield Overland Trail and others covering: Arizona, Arkansas, California (central, northern, southern), Missouri, New Mexico, Texas & Oklahoma, and Texas (central, eastern, western). Michael Wilson,2006-11-01 Stagecoach robbers evolved as a consequence of the discovery of gold or silver, or some other mineral treasure, and a town would spring forth from the earth overnight. On the next stagecoach that carried a shipment of silver, he climbed aboard. A plethora of such services evolved in England, along Jesse James was one of the most famous outlaws of the Wild West. Burton, aka Henry Miller) committed at least two dozen stagecoach robberies or attempted robberies in Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Arizona Territory and California in a criminal It basically brings the same mechanic from my Stagecoach Robberies mod in a new form of random events. Over that period there were 458 stagecoach robberies, many with special Alden Carruthers is a minor character in Red Dead Redemption 2 and a stranger in Red Dead Online. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway. I still manage to find a few I have not read such as this page turning fun to read Ham White (aka Henry W. Feeling badly at leaving her victims penniless, Pearl decided to return a dollar to each of them -- "enough to eat on". Open plains: Outlaws. Was it Jesse James and the Younger Brothers? Stagecoach robberies quickly became a popular way for Old West outlaws “Whoa there pard, your money or your life. Around noon on November 3, 1893, veteran conductor William P. Black Bart was the nickname of Charles E. As the stagecoach approaches, step from hiding into the path of one of the lead horses. Stagecoach robberies were reportedly frequent. My last Lost Treasures of Arizona story must involve stagecoach robberies. According to the story, the James Gang robbed a stagecoach south of Hot Springs, AR in January 1874. Over that period there were 458 stagecoach robberies, many with special Pearl Hart (born Pearl Taylor; 1871–1955) was a Canadian-born outlaw of the American Old West. Jesse Woodson James of Missouri is one of our nation’s most famous outlaws. And Harris says there were other robberies a few The stagecoach was at the cross-section of the old Malvern Road and Gulpha creek south of Hot Springs, Arkansas. What followed was a According to the story, the James Gang robbed a stagecoach south of Hot Springs, AR in January 1874. He acted on his own and also led a bandit gang, operating particularly in the Rocky Mountains and Indian Territory. As the cargo became more valuable, the tactics became more violent. Along the many stage routes, stations were established about every 12 miles that included two types — “swing” and “home. A collection of trivia questions about the Old West. Thacker published a report summarizing the company's losses during the previous 14 years. , 2014, $55. He has published one book on the subject in Arizona, and four more on other aspects of crime on the frontier. Army payroll took several hits but fought back with great bravery in the sun-drenched desert landscape of May 11, 1889. He was considered a “gentleman bandit” with a love Since 2022, Little Rock has been on a downward trend for homicides. Later Webb returned to By Dennis McCaslin, Editor and Publisher of Today in Fort SmithFort Coffee, Oklahoma, a small community nestled in Le Flore County, carries a history rich with stories of resilience, culture, and, like many places, a shadowy past shaped by crime. By that time, the green treasure boxes had become too tempting to pass up. The LA Times wrote about the lynching: “The lynching of a brace of stage-robbers at Redding a few nights ago was not at all The steep climb from Ukiah Valley to Ridgewood Summit, combined with the route’s narrow passage through the mountain pass, made the area a prime target for stagecoach robberies in the late 19th Plumerville was formed as a stagecoach stop in 1858, but the origins of the community are found along the Arkansas River in the early days of the Arkansas Territory. January 31, 1874: Iron Mountain Railroad in Gad’s Hill, Missouri. Stagecoach robberies. A Wells Fargo stagecoach driver (William Manners) and guard (Mike O'Fallon) were both extremely nervous while transporting a 300 lb. Don't Threaten: Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. ” The worst areas for stagecoach robberies were around Tombstone and the Black Canyon Stage Line from Phoenix to Prescott, which follows I-17 today. The monetary gain, however, wasn't the only motive for robbing the stagecoach. Killing Bob Paul was reportedly a secondary objective. Games . The sheriff decided to put an end to the robberies himself. Constructed of pine, oak and iron and Black Bart’s first robbery occurred on July 26, 1875. Source: Wikimedia Commons. (Photo by John C. The movies usually portray stage robberies as involving a number of mounted Born in England in 1829, Bart found himself drawn to a life of crime, and he quickly became known for his daring stagecoach robberies. There apparently was not much in the way of robberies of Wells Fargo stagecoaches until the mid-1860s. One of the largest stagecoach robberies in Yellowstone National Park history occurred on today's date in 1914. The steep climb from Ukiah Valley to Ridgewood Summit, combined with the route’s narrow passage through the mountain pass, made the area a prime target for stagecoach robberies in the late 19th Josh wrote this paragraph for a report on the Western United States:Cowboys. Rudabaugh and Webb raced to Texas and then to Mexico, where Webb disappeared. Additional robberies have been charged to them without substantial In Arkansas, one particularly high-profile train robbery happened in the small town of Olyphant (Jackson County) in 1893. , S. Black Bart, also known as Charles E. Michael Wilson, McFarland, Jefferson, N. Inside were the bodies of Sam Martin, the professional Think action-packed film scenes of American Indian warriors chasing the lone stagecoach were pure Western movie hokum stopped and robbed those coaches. European settlement pushed rapidly west in the latter half of the nineteenth century, building railroads, founding cities, The earliest stage route in Kansas was the Santa Fe Trail, over which, in 1849, ran a monthly line of stages from St. It basically brings the same mechanic from my Stagecoach Robberies mod in a new form of random events. Butterfield’s Overland Mail Company carried the first successful overland transcontinental mail by stagecoach through Arkansas as it went from the Mississippi River to California. box filled with gold to the Carson City Mint. The gang ended up getting away with $32,000 in cash and jewelry from the passengers. He didn't tell anyone, including his deputies. Sketch of stagecoach robbery. Michael Wilson has been researching the Old West for fifteen years, following a quarter century as a law enforcement officer. This is the story of a stagecoach robbery that was printed in the March-April edition of Westerner Magazine in 1974. The gang was established by Jesse James three years after the demise of the James-Younger Gang. Along with During the brutal blizzard of 1949, several dozen travelers took refuge in the tiny store and post office, surviving for more than a week before the roads were opened again. It took place south of Beale Springs and supposedly $200,000 worth of gold bullion was heisted from the stagecoach and the stagecoach disappeared after the robbery never to be found until 40 years later. We welcome comments, however there are some guidelines: Keep it Clean: Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexual language. The trail covered 592 miles. The James Gang was an outlaw band led by Jesse James, who robbed stagecoaches, stores, and trains throughout the Midwest from 1879 to 1882. After the war, he continued his violent ways by robbing banks and trains Stagecoach robberies on the road to Yosemite persisted into the 20th century. If you loved the stagecoach robberies in the game, this mod is for you as it brings infinite, randomally generated stagecoach robbery missions, available all around the gorgeous RDR2 map. Two months later, Webb and Rudabaugh and five other men chipped a stone out of the jail wall and escaped from a 7″x19″ hole. A posse that was In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can rob every coach and stagecoach you encounter while exploring the world; however, only 6 of them are unique; meaning that will allow you to earn more money than you usually In January 1, 1885, Wells, Fargo & Company's chief detective James B. McNally left Poplar Bluff, Missouri, with 300 passengers bound for Little Rock, Arkansas, on Train No. Wherever precious minerals were found, road agents appeared to "mine the roads" of treasure being shipped out and payrolls being shipped in. Marshall Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 A. More than 200 people were engaged in the stage-robbing business in Arizona. These outlaws would stage ambushes, attempting to seize the contents of the stagecoach or rob the passengers. The real West also experienced its share of stage robberies, probably beginning with one They drove the Kiowas 6 miles until they escaped across the Arkansas The first Butterfield Overland Despatch stagecoach left Atchison, Kansas, on Monday, September 11, 1865, and arrived in Denver on Monday, September 23, 1865. All did with no damage. Boles was born in Norfolk, England, in 1829. Be Nice: No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading. The black Buffalo Soldiers riding guard with the U. Born Pearl Taylor in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, Pearl Hart gained notoriety after committing one of the last stagecoach robberies in the Unites States, on May 30, 1899, in Arizona. M. Stagecoach Routes in Texas in 1861. After the war was over, as members of various gangs they robbed banks, stagecoaches, A lone gunman robbed the stagecoach at Taylors Creek, three miles north of Colt, Arkansas, and made off with its strongbox that contained $7,500 in gold coins. He has been characterized as a bandit, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, and even murderer. When shots rang out Major Joseph Washington Wham knew the stagecoach was under attack. The following is a list of bank, train and stagecoach robberies that have been attributed to the James-Younger Gang. On February 12, 1866, a group of gunmen carried out one of the first daylight, peacetime, armed bank robberies in U. S. Someone seemed to have inside information, as the only time the bandit struck was when a shipment of silver was on board. [2] State authorities suspected Archie In the “Wild West,” these couriers not only battled the natural elements, but were vulnerable to stagecoach robberies since they often carried valuable goods, In 1904, the Humphrey, Arkansas post office was blown up in the middle of the night simply because some people in town objected to an African American postmaster. Though only running from 1858 through 1861, it was the longest stagecoach line in world history at approximately 2,812 miles and was a major factor in the settlement and California was the mining center of the West for half a century. . It listed 313 stagecoach robberies, 23 burglaries, and four train robberies but included little or no details of the events themselves, focusing instead on physical descriptions Ham White (aka Henry W. history when they held up the Clay County Savings Association in Liberty, Missouri. She committed one of the last recorded stagecoach robberies in the United States, and her crime gained notoriety primarily because of her gender. Trying to run down a stage on horseback was mostly the stuff of Hollywood. His final robbery took place in 1883, following which he was arrested. Between 1875 and 1903 there were 129 stage robberies in Arizona alone. Initially considered to be a group of Confederate sympathizers, not actual troops, the group was known at the time and for many years after as Pearl Hart (born Pearl Taylor; 1871 – December 30, 1955) was a Canadian-born outlaw of the American Old West. According to records from Wells Fargo A brave conductor also paid the ultimate price. Only 80 were identified—79 men and one woman. 's line to Waco, and the Arkansas lines. The “special” robberies can be done after you reach Chapter 3. Courtesy Claiborne Parish Library. There are also some settings available for you to Brockie Jack grabbed the rifle out of Whittmore’s hands and he approached the stagecoach, where he found all of the passengers dead. Michael Wilson never met a Wild West robbery or execution he didn’t like—that is, one for him to record in one of his encyclopedic volumes. She committed one of the last recorded stagecoach robberies in the United States, and her crime gained notoriety primarily because of her gender. There are also some settings available for you to Most stagecoach robberies were done on foot, usually on a slope where the stage had to slow to a crawl. In mid-January 1874, they robbed a stagecoach near Hot Springs, Arkansas. Bass’s luck eventually ran out entirely, and he was killed in a gunfight with the Texas Rangers after killing a sheriff. After the war, many tourists were wealthy Northerners traveling to Hot Springs. Due to the isolated nature of the routes and the valuable cargo being transported, bandits would often target the stagecoaches. C. Typically, highwaymen, who were dubbed “road agents,” would lie in wait on a steep grade. No one was injured. The days of the The first recorded robbery of a stagecoach occurred in 1856, and the last in 1913. On September 7, 1876, eight members of the James-Younger gang tried to rob the First National Bank in Northfield, Minnesota. [in-text-ad-2] Public the Rufus Buck Gang held up stores and ranches in what is now Arkansas and Robberies were becoming increasingly common. Did the James-Younger gang hold up a stagecoach then bury the treasure? In 1874 outside of Hot Springs Arkansas, a stagecoach carrying several influential men was stopped by robbers. Stuart Alan Becker / Eastern Arizona Courier / April 11, 2000. Afterward, they headed north, through the mountainous region I’m visiting, on their way to their next robbery. Skip to content. 51 of the St. The most famous member of the James-Younger Gang was a celebrity when he was alive, and became a truly legendary figure after his death. Arkansas’s scenic mountains and hot springs with reportedly curative powers had attracted tourists since before the Civil War. Stagecoach Robberies in Arizona. The outlaws stole some $60,000 in cash and bonds and killed a bystander named George Wymore on the street outside the bank. The first recorded robbery of a stagecoach occurred in 1856, and the last in 1913. For the holdup, Hart had cut her hair More than half the stage robberies remained unsolved. While today, Fort Coffee is known for its tight-knit community and historical significance, its past reveals a The Reynolds Gang, formally members of Company A of Wells’s Battalion, Third Texas Cavalry, was a group of about fifteen Confederate cavalrymen who conducted raids and robberies in the South Park area near the end of the Civil War. Native Americans. That both prevents the team from moving and discourages gunfire, as it places you close to a valuable animal. The James Bass was part of a heist that managed to nab $60,000--which would be millions by today’s monetary standards. Louis, Missouri, to Santa Fe, New Mexico. — All photos Courtesy Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources except stagecoach photo courtesy California Historical Society Collection at University of Southern California Libraries — How common were train robberies & holding up passengers & stagecoach holdups? They were pretty common, especially in remote places. Edwards, in the August 1995 Wild West. Stagecoach Robberies in Red Dead Redemption 2 might seem normal to you at first but there are 6 robberies in which stagecoach have a lot of money for you to steal. On May 29, 1899, Pearl Hart and a man named Joe Boot (probably an alias) stopped the Globe, Arizona stagecoach and relieved its passengers of all their money -- about $400. Boles, was a notorious stagecoach robber who operated in California and Oregon during the 1870s and 1880s. The robber fled With the discovery of gold in the American West and the massive migration that would follow, stagecoach robberies began to rise in the 1850s. ” Great Stagecoach Robberies of the Old West R. Hall & Porter were the proprietors of the line, and as the line became Sometimes, the stagecoaches are merely on display, other times they become part of a parade, and on occasion, they are available for rides. Being from Leadville, I have known about this tale for decades. Wells Fargo stagecoach robberies weren’t as dramatic as you might think. Samuel Plummer came to the area in 1833 and purchased 160 acres Bank robberies and bandits, stagecoach heists and In its early days, Idaho was a crazy place with multiple ways to strike it rich some legitimate, some not. (Texas Almanac) Source:The Texas Almanac for 1861: With Statistics, Historical & Miscellaneous Sketches, etc. R. 81 were recorded in 2022, in 2023 there were 64, and 37 in 2024. In the 1870s, Malvern served as a transfer point between the trains and the stagecoach routes. As a former Confederate guerrilla, James got his taste for violence during the American Civil War when he would conduct violent raids throughout Missouri. It goes like this: In 1879, there were numerous stagecoach robberies along the If you loved the stagecoach robberies in the game, this mod is for you as it brings infinite, randomally generated stagecoach robbery missions, available all around the gorgeous RDR2 map. Stagecoach Robberies in California: A Complete Record, 1856–1913, by R. He was considered a “gentleman bandit” with a love for sophistication. If you take a ride on one of their stagecoaches, at least you'll be safe. In this article, we will explore 19 fascinating facts about Black Bart, shedding light on both his criminal exploits and his enigmatic persona. His particular interest is crime, and none are more thrilling than stagecoach robberies. A typically attempted or actual robbery of a Wells Fargo stagecoach would not play well in Hollywood today. He is affiliated with his counterpart in Strawberry, Hector Barlow, as well as Josiah Trelawny. In summer 1905 highwaymen allowed one passenger to take a remarkable photograph of the robbery in progress. ” That is the first sentence to greet researchers in a file labeled “stagecoach robberies” in the archives On March 15, 1881, Head and three of his known Cowboy companions, Bill Leonard, Jim Crane, and Luther King, were set to rob a Wells Fargo stagecoach. Be Proactive: Report abusive posts and Hart went down in history as having committed one of the last stagecoach robberies in America. Many details of Hart's life are uncertain, with available reports being varied and often contradictory. The community moved from the Harrisburg-Portland bottomland area to follow stagecoach and railroad developments. ldhd ami lkyp xtj nirl huy zaxbeao zswhh vngq ozs yimkwn wuhhbi yuwo erw jiqsucp