Sap qa12. If yes then how it can be done.
Sap qa12 Gunvant 9427717275. The authorization object M_MSEG_LGO is assigned to a user to restrict stock posting to a certain storage location. So have to create a custom subscreen with fields that you want to add to the screen and specify the name and number there so that the Badi call can call teh subscreen in the specified area in the trans QA12 ERROR:DYNPRO_NOT_FOUND; cancel. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. 2. Decentralized Welcome to the SAP Community, as with any community your fellow members are motivated to help you and others so the more information you can provide up front the easier it will be for them to actually provide suggestions from their own experiences. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP Q&A; ( Read F1 help of sap ). SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. Image/data in this Possibly you can try a luck developing BDC for QA12 transaction for partial posting. If you scroll down, there will be a correction instructions available at the bottom. I'm aware that you can individually check "change document" setting per table via SE11 > Enter Table Name > Technical Settings > “Log Data Changes” option. on clicking the And when I want to change the IL using QA12 for stock posting, it said "UD for the IL has not been made yet" as the screen capture and I can not open QA12 screen. ---Using this i am not able to move the quantity to unrestricted or blocked which is my requirement. Hello vallamuthu. View products (1) Hi All, I have a Requirement to display the warning message when user makes the Usage decision for QA11and QA12 . Inspection will be available for RR in longterm. 3501561-In QA11, button EWM inspection is unresponsive (decentralized EWM) Symptom. Thanks for your reply. (QA12-> Usage decision - function - reset cancellation). SAP ERP. View products (2) Introduction I have faced an issue , when I was working with a client i. QA12 tcode in SAP is coming under QM and QM-IM-UD module. I need to disable the UD Code and Quality score screen field in QA12 in cases where the inspection lot stocks are completly posted. Venkat V. Select it from F4 or enter something and Hit Enter also i want to some stock To unrestricted ,To scrap, To blocked SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility. Q. It is one of the largest business process related software. This UD status inconsistency can be corrected by report SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility. cancel lot and do the 322: created a new Z* transaction / using new Z* report program with implementing the source code, as it is described at oss note: 175842, the only modification on this source code required for me, that here the booking date at the document for cancellation (related to 322) will always be We have worked on this using status profile, to allow MM user posting stock from QA12 and stoping QM user to post stock from QA11 10 CRTD Stock Posting Not Possible 10 20 1 1 Start inv. i mistype it as QA02. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc. If you need to trigger additional processing after usage decision material SAP defines a “Digital Signature” in the online documentation as follows: Logistics - General (LO) Equivalent to a handwritten signature for the processing of digital data. We have activated 'Change Documents' in customizing for SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. What is QA12 (Change usage decision with history) and how is it used? Within an SAP system there are numerous transaction codes (TCode) that each serve different purposes and provide easy access to a variety of different functionality. I want to give stock ,UD code and group . View products (2) Can any body help me to resolve following issues:- My problem was only conceptual. One such TCode is QA12, which provides access to Change usage decision with history / SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions QM-IM-UD, CA-FLE-MAT, dump, runtime error, change history, usage decision, inspection QA12 --> Inspection lot --> Maintain UD code and stock posting. if it is relevant to the issue. Any res. e the user have rejected the material with out inspecting the material. Need more details? Request SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility. SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; QA12, QA32, RQMST-LZEITKZ, RQMST, LZEITKZ, QPMK, PLMK, QM26, Close inspection - complete, Charge, Prüflos, T-Code: QA12. There is a field Hi, I want to create report from we can post usage decision of inspection lot i want BAPI for same . List MM - Inventory Management: 5 : SAP ERP. 23. Q: Cant we directly post the return to delivery quantity , if we do like this what will happen. At time of UD, under Inspection lot stock tab where we can make stock posting, is there a way to post stock back into Quality Inspection? My scenario : Default put all stock in to Unrestricted. 4. Activating this function causes a new button (Reset Usage Decision) to appear on the toolbar of the QA12 Hi, I am facing one issue related to stock posting log in QA12 At the time of taking Usage decision i have transferred stock quality to unrestricted and some of the qty transferred quality to scrap. Data: Details: Note: We have customer exit enhancement but i have no idea Welcome at sdn, Look at (SMOD) Enhancement QPL10004 User subscreen for displaying additional data in insp. code there is a note very Hi All, I want to update QALS table during Processing of QA32 which while making UD decision takes me to QA11. In the mean time, please wait for QM experts to comment on this. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental. After changing results record change UD. Answers (1) Answers (1) former_member21 1679. View products (2) Hi, Whenever I change any characteristic value under classification tab in material master (MM02), I can display the changes through CL20N but when I change any characteristic value through batch master (MSC2N) under classification tab I cannot see those changes in CL20N. Hi, One of the following user-exits should be useful in your case: QEVA0004 Exit for changing information line in usage decision header. I did the RR and UD properly. 2173304-Fields/buttons are greyed out or missing in QA11, QA12 on tab 'Inspection lot stock' SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP Hi Experts, Could anyone please tell me how to add or remove options like To Scrap, To sample usage, To blocked stock, To new material, To reserves, Return Delivery in Quantity posted of Inspection lot stock tab in QA11 or QA12. Not sure about the reason for this. Answer. Please add all the screenshots for steps you followed while executing program ZQEVAC20 for SAP Note 48815, for Material = AO815025, Plant 3181, Batch 886AJ001, which I am asking you repetitively. Any ideas?. New Button. System generated a inprocess inspection lot . Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample. However, some fields are greyed out, that is they are not editable, other fields and/or buttons m. then i tried to go to the QA12 transaction and tried to Functions -> Cancel Lot it gives the message "The function you selected cannot be carried out". QEVA0007 UD: Control of compulsory comment or long text It is not possible to post the stock to unrestricted use for inspection lot, as the field 'To Unrestricted Use' (VMENGE01) does not appear in transaction QA11 / QA12. In QA12 again changed the status from LTIN to UD ICCO SPRQ STUP. QM-IM-UD, QA11, QA12, MSC3N, MMBE, Charge, Materialbelegdatum, SAP ERP. . While fetching Quantity (LMENGEZUB) field from QALS table, the value is being fetched as 10. Example: Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Then it could be source code problem. Analytics for SAP TCode QA12 Change usage decision with history Transaction code used for Change usage decision with history. Thanks, After this: I have a new button at QA12 - customer function. Transactions in SAP ERP are used to execute functionality by calling programs, function modules, object methods or other transactions. via stock correction QA12, via QA32 also not able to do it. (transaction QA11 and QA12). 456,000. View products (2) Hi, Experts, Which BAPI or FM was same action as QA12 ? Thanks. Results to be given to this lot and then Usage Decision (UD) to be made. 2100791-Storage location authorization control in QA11/QA12/QA32 transactions. Former Member. I checked for QM12 T. Therefore, tab 'Inspection lot stock' is available in the usage decision transactions QA11, QA12. You must be a registered user to add a comment. QA12 tcode used for: Change usage decision with history in SAP; Module : QM-IM-UD (Inspection Lot Completion) Parent Module : QM (Quality Management) Package : QV (QM usage decision) ABAP Program : SAPMQEVA SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Keywords. Now the Qa12 Bapi TCodes in SAP. List of SAP QM Transaction Codes – Important useful transactions of SAP Quality Management (SAP QM) module T-Codes that are used to implement QM business process for planning, List of Qa12 transaction codes in SAP. Basically we can cancel UD by pushing "Cancel UD" button. How can i do it. Answers (2) Answers (2) anand_rao3. Now you can go to change your results (QE01), a message will appear to ask "Do you want to carry out a long-term How to use the CHECK_CM report in SAP Credit Management (FSCM) in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP Friday; FINS_ACDOC_CUST548 – Ledger Group Missing for Ledger CE in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Friday; SAP S/4HANA Cloud集成与扩展FAQ(2024年04月 – 2024年06月) in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP Monday QEVA_SUBSCREEN_1101 EXIT_SAPMQEVA_001 Customer Function Quantity Posting UD EXIT_SAPMQEVA_002 Customer Exit: Calculate Share of Scrap for Lot EXIT_SAPMQEVA_003 Customer Exit for Calculating Next Inspection Date EXIT_SAPMQEVA_004 Customer Exit for Changing Status Line in UD Header However, the user still can post inspection stock to the storage location in transaction QA11/QA12/QA32. for the current lot, you change the UD in Transaction QA12 and do the posting manually to unrestricted and then save usage decision. Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation available. Note 174877 - UD: status I do not have SAP screen right now to verify this. There is an english translation missing. Material documents resulting from usage decisions are automatically captured under respective inspection lots. Regards. Open QA11 transact ion Enter the Inspection Lot Number Hit enter Now at the bottom you see Usage de cision . SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. But in QA12 the UD Code is already inform with the las value from Qa12. Comment within transaction QA12 (change usage decision) we use SAP enhancement QEVA0008 (Usage decision: Customer function key (e. kiran_kumar179. I have 42 transaction codes (e. verify your Customizing of Notification Tabs. View products (2) Dear QM Gurus , We were trying to cancell some inspection lots and we found that for some lots the lot cancellation option is not available (dehighlighted) where as for some types of lots the inspection lot cancellation option is available . I have implemented SAP Note# 175842. If you find any discrepency in SAP standard transaction, never try to change it using exits etc. But i need it in one go,like if user presses 'customer Hi, I would like to know how to cancel UD(Usage decision) of inspection lot on tr-cd:qa12. I need time to check on this. In transaction QA11, QA12, QA32 while selecting the usage decision (UD) code, some entries are displayed more times. I have a requirement to reset usage decision by creating a customer funtion button in tcode QA12 and reverse the posting quantity from restricted area to to be posted area. Then goto SE84, find out the enhancements for this package. And try to revoke it using SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Keywords. Please refer SAP KBA 2622089 - UD status inconsistency caused by transaction QA16 in background/foreground mode . Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Then find out the components for this package SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA; SAP S/4HANA, on-premise; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition HU, HUM, Destructive Inspection, ZERSTPRF, QA11, QA12 , KBA , QM-IM , Quality Inspection , QM-IM-UD , Inspection Lot Completion , QM-IM-SM , SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Keywords. CHECK OUT WITH THESE USER EXITS. When executed in background task the RFC will be called synchronously in background once the commit work is triggered by the QALS-STAT19 is set after resetting inspection completion in T-code QA12. pstg after UsageDec Forbidden & No Action SAP Quality Issue Management. You need to do one IMG setting for auto goods posting during UD. QA11, QA12, QE51N, QE01, QE02, MM01, MM02) and I want to verify if "change document" logging is enabled for the critical data elements in these transactions. Then only system will allow to do confirmation of the Hi Dinesh, If you want to reverse all postings and redo it, then first you reset cancellation of the lot. Participant Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Content Configuring Serial Number Usage for Movement Types in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week Hi, I want to add two custom field ID code and TC no. Thanks & Regards Rajesh Hello Experts , I need to update the table field SELHERST of standard table QALS through transaction QA12 after the save button is clicked . Go to QA33, display the inspection lot - there is a button "Material Documents" to display all goods movement for the inspection lot. This can happen for the stock posting or Usage Decision Code. so run QA12 - change usage decision and go to inspection lot stock tab and verify the posting. View products (1) Dear All. Pl. Turn on suggestions. Now status showing UD ICCO SPCO STUP and signal showing green but Stock posting qty not showing While saving stock posting via usage decision transaction QA11 or QA12, the entered Document Item Text (for example RQEVA-SGTXT04 for blocked stock) is not stored for generated Material Document (MSEG-SGTXT). Re: Adding Custome fields in QA11 and QA12 Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. However, Thank you very much SAP PM for your prompt reply, 1 Q: Could you please help making us understating why is that our system not accepting the posting the quantity in multiple segments through usage decision (screen shot is shown above), above), 3. Pls guide me what to do. (QA12) and then go menu Edit--> Reset > Inspection completion. Instead, you get UD has been made in QA02 and Result record in QA12. View products (1) Hi, I am looking for a FM or BAPI which works in the same way as QA11 and QA12. Regards, S Ahmed The SAP TCode QA12 is used for the task: Change usage decision with history. If your objective is only to cancel the inspection lot then you give the UD to the inspection lot While doing Stock posting from QA32 or QA12 transaction if user enters 10 Qty out of 100 in Blocked stock & then save his. Active Contributor Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed if anything goes wrong, please, try to implement SAP Note 175842 (Inspection lot Reversal of goods movements from UD) and check which SAP ERP Quality Management (QM) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA; SAP S/4HANA, on-premise Qa12 related terms Qa12 Tcode in SAP Definitions What is SAP ? SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. Thanks. SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) PLM Quality Management (QM) Software Product Function. QA12, QA32, result recording, QM, QM-IM-RR, I0218, VE, Verwendungsentscheid, Merkmal, Prüflos, Dear Nehal, Thanks for the reply. madheswaran2. QA12, QA13 screen. ABAP Extensibility. This transaction code is used for Change usage decision with history. So now decision is getting reset but for reverse posting, i need to run RQEVAC50 program separately. QEVA0006 Entry to usage decision transactions. Also he is not the responsible person to inspect the material. lot, it includes CI_QALS where you will add your customer fields NB: How to find the enhancement : Look at table QALS, package is QL, and it contains an include CI_QALS, call SMOD and select The problem is that for us we have a Follow UP Action for UD code that user take. Just tell me how we can change the inspection results after usage decesion. Also, can you please a similar case in sandbox and share the observations? Complete the inspection lot, save UD and then cancel it using the given path. QM-IM-UD, QA11, QA12, batch, inspection lot, usage decision, UD, 103, 105, 1218, 12018, unrestricted, blocked, Also, tray SAP transaction SE80, check out all the programs related to Function group: "2045" You should find all the information you need and then some - related to inspection lots and inspection characterisics here. Hi, When you create the implementation and go to the tab subscreen it would give you space to add Program called and Screen No. 2806692-QA11/QA12: Document Item Text is not copied to Open the SAP Note 175842 - Inspection Lot: Reversal of goods movements from UD as below from SAP market place. in QS51 maintain the posting proposal in usage decision to unrestricted. to cancel UD)) to perform custom defined functions - function key (+FC1). BAPI_INSPLOT_SETUSAGEDECISION. The TCode belongs to the QV package. If every thing is OK. refer to SAP Note 33924 , i want to i mplement the 'Cancel usage decision' function via User Exit QEVA0008. View some details about QA12 tcode in SAP. If an error is coming as move stock in QM only then you need to check all the QA12 tcode in SAP QM (Quality Inspection) module. Tab 'Inspection Lot Stock' is not displayed for automatically created 04 inspection lots in the usage decision (UD) transactions (QA11, QA12, QA13) while it is displayed for other lots. when i click the Detailed Info button it says "SPST - Stock posting started" , "SPRQ - Quantity posting required" , "UD - Usage Hello, i need a user exit, that will run when the user saves the usage decision. Thanks and regards. Now the stock is stuck in quality . Actually there is a strange thing happeninng when budles are posted and UD is done. QEVA0004 Exit for changing information line in usage decision header. i search and find this : activat an existing SAP user exit (SAP function EXIT_SAPMQEVA_008, Include ZXQEVU10, Include LXQEVF10). look for SAP notes. Then the user can see that UD Code is ok, don't have to change. We are not able to process that inspection via QA12/QA11/MB1B Hi Experts, We are facing some issues related to inspection lot status UD ICCO SPCO STUP and LTIN STIC SPCO STUP in QA32 Inspection stock has been posted in quality to unrestricted but still showing in RED signal That can be clear from QA12 , in QA12 stock showing in To be post but actually it has Stock posting for the inspection lot cannot be made in T-code QA12 for user status 'NOID'. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, PLM Quality Management (QM) ABAP Development. GOOD. I already tried EXIT_SAPMQEVA_010 but it runs when user types thee usage decision code and press enter and after that, user may exit from qa11 without saving the usage decision, so i want to be sure that user exit will run only when the user saves the usage decision. Within SAP Knowledge Base Article 2630846 - Translation for button 'reverse usage decision' is incorrect QA12 (Change usage decision with history) is a standard SAP transaction code available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level. ABAP Development. Thanks in Advance. QA12 for Change usage decision with history. Otherwise, register and sign in. QEVA0005 User subscreen for displaying add. The status One such TCode is QA12, which provides access to Change usage decision with history / Usage Decisions / Stock Postings in QM SAP screen functionality within R/3 SAP (Or S/4HANA) The SAP TCode QA12 is used for the task: Change usage decision with history. SAP Transaction Codes; qa12 bapi; TCodes Related Searches # TCODE Description Application; 1 : SE38: ABAP Editor Basis - ABAP Editor: 2 : SMOD: SAP Enhancement Management Basis - Customer Enhancements: 3 : OBYC: C FI Table T030 FI - Basic Functions: 4 : MB51: Material Doc. hope this will help to solve your issue. I have implemented the exit QEVA0010 which is triggered after clicking the save button , and have put the update command there , followed by commit work statement . If you click on that correction instruction, the sub note will open. View products (1) Hi, I have developed a BDC pgm, which will post QUANTITY field in QA12 transaction. View products (2) Dear Guru's, Is it Possible to change Usage Decision Log like Can we put name in place of user id from which UD is made. g. Search. It does not make any sense when you run QA12, it says UD complete. of numeric type in QA11 tcode, how to do it? which user exits will be helpful? Also those two fields has to be added in QALS table and updated after entering values on the screen. Storage location can be changed when posting QI stock in QA11 / QA12, Tab 'Inspection lot stock'. rajuaug9 via sap-log-qm wrote: Dear. PLM Quality Management (QM) Software Product Function. The user can enter comments if needed SAP Managed Tags: PLM Quality Management (QM) PLM Quality Management (QM) Software Product Function. "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. If there is any path in spro so that i can make this field in display mode please suggest the Path. There click on the correction note number 298389. Due non-assignment of User status on Inspection Lot, system does not allow user to proceed further for The transaction QA12 (Change usage decision with history) is a standard transaction in SAP ERP and is part of the package QV. This will change the system status from UD ICCO to LTIN. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. For post processing - try SAP Transaction SE80 - Package: "QV" you will fine all the enhancements, enhancement spots, function modules and List of SAP QM Transaction Codes – Important useful transactions of SAP Quality Management (SAP QM) module T-Codes that are used to implement QM business process for planning, notification, QA12: Change Usage Decision: QA16: Collective Usage Decision: QA17: Automatic Usage Decision Job Planning: QA40: Complete Production Inspection Lots: QA41: As per Standard SAP once UD is done, it should not be changed and therefore is not available as a standard feature. If you've already registered, sign in. Top SAP Tcodes. From QA12 we are SAP ERP Quality Management (QM) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP; SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA; SAP S/4HANA, on-premise Keywords. At the time of UD, post qty to block or r SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions ECC, Digitale Signatur, Signieren, automatisch, Verwendungsentscheid, Hintergrund, QA10, QA12, QA16 , Problem in tcode QA12 Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. SAP automatically records the inspection lot number. Active Contributor Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Hi, This is regarding the QM module , QA32 transaction , UD subscreen under Characteristics tab. Two-Tier ERP Master Data Replication Options in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP Friday; Inspection lot not generating for material and Storage location Combination for STO in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Friday; Confidently Global: How SAP’s customers navigate a dramatically changing globe in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs We get the usage decision via IDOC to SAP from LIMS. if don't change UD Code and save the system don't execute Follow UP Action. Symptom. Due to some technical issue for one inspection lot,only the status UD got updated to the inspection lot ,stock posting ,valuation codes etc are blank and not updated. View products (1) how do you solve the qa12 return delivery to vn by bdc,at present i user bdc for this case,when input the reason for mvt,exexute the bdc at mode 'N' & 'A',at mode 'A' is ok,at mode 'N',the system tell me'No batch input data for screen SAPMQEVA 0122',Please tell me Hi, Calling Tcode QA32 click USER Decision then selecting particular entries which caries QA12 tcode under character tab where you can find a word editor In which i need to add description titles as below and after entering the information in the editior should be saved permanently. If the field QALS-STAT19(Documentation Required for Inspection Lot) is set to X, the long text for the characteristics except for the first line cannot be edited any more. View products (1) Hi experts, I performed usage decision for an inspection lot with following valuation results: Is the inspection lot stock tab active in the lot in QA12 (click on the 'i' button next to the lot status? If yes, you will find SPRQ (stock posting HI. Purchase Order Tcodes: Cost Center Tcodes: Vendor Tcodes: Sales Order Tcodes: Purchase Requisition Tcodes: Display GL Account Tcodes: Stock Tcodes: Goods Receipt Tcodes: Display Vendor Tcodes: Invoice Tcodes: Internal Order SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for QA12 is a SAP tcode coming under QM module and SAP_APPL component. The configuration seems to be the same for both cases. For QA11 is applicalbe only those lots where no UD assigned. Anand. Thanx in advance. The BADI (INSPECTIONLOT_UPDATE ) is used for the above Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. I Hi . Edited by: Srinivas Narayana Gowda on Aug 5, 2009 10:56 AM SAP ERP. I was running QA12 for those inspection lots where no UD assigned. Even though UD is not done the UD status appears but the UD code is not existing. data for usage decision. Programming Tool. If yes then how it can be done. Check the stocks again and try to move the quality stock using MB1B 321 movement type. How can I achieve this? Can some one plz suggest me the relevant Use SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions Keywords QM-IM-UD, CA-GTF-BS-SQ, T185_LESEN, SAPLV00F, LV00FF0T, SAPMQEVA, ZUST, popup, screen, Charge, V0105, V0, 105 , KBA , QM-IM-UD , Inspection Hi experts, I have a query regarding SAP QM Usage decision step. I have tried using Many Userexit like EXIT_SAPMQEVA_010,EXIT_SAPLQPL1_002 during processing it is showing KTEXTLOS updated but when i am saving the KTEXTLOS is not getting updated. 000 (which is just value 10) I have set my user profile as 1. Any resemblance to real data is purely In ERP system, if button 'EWM inspection' is clicked in transaction QA11/QA12/QA13, system does not respond (nothing happens). Check this SAP note . In your case find the package for QA11/QA12 in SE93. U can search BADI for the Transactions QA11 and QA12 . It is a Dialog Transaction and is connected to screen 100 of program SAPMQEVA. Hi All, I need to block the entry of usage decision quality score in QA12 (Change mode) . Based on the system status, it shows UD has been completed and I understand stock is not posted to UR ? What inspection type was it ? As status shows SPRQ, it requires stock posting. Read more Environment. QEVA0004 Exit for changing information line in usage decision header Usage Decisions / Stock Postings in QM SAP screen. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview To change insp results after UD, go to tocde qa12 —> Edit—> Reset —> inspection completion. pyenf zbvb dmmcwd wejefk fjomnb wfrsxzv jlgemai basgah dxemaqp wph rjsit diqql ozuee buuazlo crl