No growth on agar plate If there is no growth after adding salt, it means that the microorganism No growth seen after two days: This is a preliminary result; it means that no microorganisms were seen growing in the blood sample after two days. What would be the reason for this result? If there is no growth that means that the organism you're testing is either gram- or is a gram+ that isn't able to grow with all that salt which is characteristic of most gram+ organisms. If growth is poor, simply write “poor growth” in the table. 3 PO0495A . To address this issue Golus et al. Tsang and Patricia Shields, University of Inoculated agar plates are then incubated and growth estimated by the naked eye. To describe it, a new logistic model that we presented earlier (H. I got good number of transformed cells (as I am expecting). A. The inoculation technique can vary depending on the desired outcome, such as streaking for isolation or spreading for even Chocolate agar is also considered as a variant of the blood agar plate, containing red blood cells that have been lysed by slowly heating to 80°C. Escherichia coli Heavy growth; white, off-white, or gray. Pseudomonas fluorescens Heavy growth may produce a greenish-gold fluorescent pigment. This medium is also Make sure to label the bottoms of the plates. The entire agar is covered in a opque white layer. 05 Agar 15. Crystal violet and bile salts inhibit growth primarily of the Gram-positive accompanying All your agar essentials. The composition of prepared nutrient agar medium is 0. Why there is no bacteria growth on plate Nutrient Agar Plate. Ensure that the antibiotic used in the plate corresponds to the vector’s resistance marker; Verify that the plates have the correct antibiotic concentration; Improper use of cell-spreading tools An aerobic blood plate should show no growth. In the appearance column, describe any change in the surrounding medium or the just wanted to share that i found this helpful! i made malt extract agar that was getting no growth from an old syringe. The presence of red colonies and bile Campy CVA Agar plate and streak for isolation. aureus growth was observed on the filter. anther question , How to calculate the recovery of non selective TSA media . After incubation, growth is observed on the plate from the anaerobe jar, but there is no growth on the plate incubated on the incubator shelf. Transformation may need to be carried out using a strain that exerts tighter transcriptional Incubation of MacConkey Agar plates under increased CO2 has been reported to reduce growth and recovery of a number of strains of Gram-negative bacilli. After transforming a ligation reaction into Escherichia coli competent cells and plating the cel MacConkey agar contains bile salts and crystal violet, which interfere with the growth of many gram-positive bacteria and favor the growth of gram-negative bacteria, particularly the Enterobacteriaceae. must be sterilised Surface growth of Escherichia coli cells on a membrane filter placed on a nutrient agar plate under various conditions was studied with a mathematical model. Interpreting the results of Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) agar plates involves examining the growth characteristics of microorganisms on the agar surface. Additional periods of incubation may be Fusobacterium necrophorum 25286 No Growth Growth 24 – 48 hrs. Post a picture of all 4 agar plates for your group; Label your slides for presentation; Point to the lawn, any transformed colonies and satellite colonies that you have on your plates; There are plenty of nutrients on this plate,and no ampicillin to impede the growth of bacteria colonies +pGLO LB/amp. Diverse bacterial growth suggests contamination during urine collection; the urine culture should be repeated with a new specimen. coli has a medium with proper nutrition available for it to propagate. W64 PACK SIZE: 10 per package. These ingredients are powdered and then added to distilled water. Note: Always store agar plates upside down. I have been trying to get some growth on agar plates for a science project. Place the inoculated agar plates upside down in an incubator or a warm area, typically between 30-37°C for most bacteria. coli solid agar plates and liquid broth must be manufactured so the E. Test organisms are inoculated in sterile seed agar pre-cooled to 40°C-45°C and spread evenly over the surface of solidified base agar. * The first batch were plated 11/19 – no growth. Incorrect antibiotic or concentration in plates. 00 Kanamycin 0. Larger zones indicate decreased bacterial growth with No growth on LB plates suggests you have no viable cells in your SOC medium. I picked ~8 decent-sized colonies, which were also further away from the other colonies - to minimise false positives I have NEB 5-alpha Competent E. This would point to a gram positive like Staph being the likely organism. The sample has growth on nutrient broth, slant broth, SIM tube, etc. Colonies on Kanamycin plates are most likely contaminants. MacConkey medium preparation Mucoid strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa colony morphology on MacConkey agar, No growth of Agar plates with a simple nutrient formulation are safest for student use because they will not culture potentially harmful bacteria. Bacterium turns black. Based on my experiences, no growth might be possibly due: 1. 5. We take care of all your agar media needs so you can rely on a consistent, predictable source for your bacterial, yeast, and fungal growth. DNA fragment of interest is toxic to the cells: Incubate plates at lower temperature (25–30°C). ) Here are details provided: * The agar plates, as well as the bacteria, were refrigerated upon delivery. The growth medium consists of beef broth and yeast extracts. We had to choose two isolates and my second isolate is giving me such a hard time. no. Finally, utilize a stab tube if you're looking for bacteria that thrive Incubate the Agar Plates. If still no growth is observed, shake the water tube well and pour small amounts out onto a rich medium. Composition and Preparation. For pus & urine samples, blood agar and MacConkey agar are commonly used. , Canard I. If no growth is observed, plate more agar blocks and more seed. The plasmid did not It is differential because of its components; sugar lactose, sucrose, and dyes Eosin Y and methylene blue. (weirdly, i tried coughing on it and it still had no growth. Some of the issues observed include absence of transformants, transformants with incorrect inserts or absence of inserts. kindly explain . antibiotic and also supports the growth of the test organisms. How does strain aging affect colony growth? Strain aging can result in slow growth or no growth as the strains lose their vigor over many generations of subculturing. Freshly prepared plates should be used for antibiotic assays. All 3 plates showed ZERO growth after 48 hours! At first I thought the agar was garbage, but I collected a sample from my mouth and cultured it. If the tubes were broken, growth began immediately. Inoculate prepared agar plates, agar slants, or broth tubes with 0. Edit: looking at the gram stain it's a gram+ with cocci. For example, blood agar may require . With our fully customizable pre-poured agar plates, flexible formats, The agar plates need to reach 30˚C to 35˚C quickly to give the bacteria enough time to grow. Image Source: slideplayer. The results so far have been really underwhelming. Herein, you will discover the foundational principles, encompassing the preparation and utilization of agar plates for optimal mycelium propagation, The "poor growth, stipulates that the agar or medium is not that suitable for the growth of the organism. The most common reason for this problem is that the source culture Instead, when I came in today, there is absolutely no sign of growth. Mixed Image 3: Mannitol salt agar inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus on the left side of the plate and showing fermentation of mannitol (yellow medium) and inoculated with Streptococcus durans on the right side of the plate, which shows no growth (no colonies visible, medium remains reddish pink). The cells inoculated onto this plate got the plasmid, so those cells were unable to use their own genes in order to grow. Storage of Nutrient agar The media in the powder form should be stored between 10 to 30°C in a tightly closed container, and the prepared medium should be stored at 20-30°C. Replace the lids on each plate and let the agar plates dry for several minutes either on a laboratory bench beneath a flame, or in an incubator. However, when spreading onto agar plates various volumes (100uL, 200uL *Clostridium perfringens 13124 No growth N/A Escherichia coli 25922 No growth N/A *Proteus mirabilis 12453 No growth to N/A trace growth *Recommended organism strain for User Quality Control. In this way, Pasteur not only demonstrated that spontaneous generation was nonsense, but van Belkum A. The temperature of culture is kept 28C with 220rpm and Rifampicin, Gentamicin and Kanamycin antibiotics for selection. fresh plate or broth culture inoculated from a plate culture, slant culture or broth culture shows no growth after 24 hours. streptococcus, or "strep," are the bacteria responsible for diseases like strep throat. Some strains of Proteus may swarm on this medium. But there is no bacterial growth on LB agar with or without ampicillin plated Petri plates are designed to provide sterile environment for the growth of microbes on solid media. There is no need to seal the petri plates as all aseptic operations are performed strictly under The agar cools and solidifies, forming a gel-like surface that supports bacterial growth. In MacConkey agar without crystal violet and bile salts. Austin Community College, 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd. To study the growth of E. thanks. , pUC19) and calculate the transformation efficiency of the competent cells. Incubate the plate overnight (typically 14 to 18 hr) at 37°C. These species, If your inoculated slant shows no growth after incubation, what may have occurred during bacterial transfer? you sampled the bacteria while the loop was still too hot. Fujikawa et al. The heat inactivates enzymes that could otherwise degrade NAD. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to making agar plates that are perfect—with no lumps, bubbles, or excess Incubation of MacConkey Agar plates under increased CO 2 has been reported to reduce the growth and recovery of a number of strains of Gram-negative bacilli. coli. Proteus grows on the Blood agar plate in successive waves to form a thin filmy layer of concentric circles ( swarming). This finding is also identical with (Kimura and Tomaru, 2013) , which produced algae on solid medium but used a Observe agar plates after 7 days of bacterial growth; Learn why soap is more effective than sanitizer at inactivating viruses; The video above describes how we get started to grow bacteria on plates. I tried the same stocks of the agar plates and the LB broth with other plasmids and they are growing well. Reason: The plate has What could cause no growth at all? Nutrient agar was from the same stock, as was the nutrient broth and B. , Raoult D. Would a different type of food be better? Project From my experience MJ Benedik's idea is likely the right one: It's not the media but the growth tubes. I think I may have gone overboard with inoculating the fungus sample. Record observations here on the growth and appearance of the three bacteria on nutrient agar. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . have proposed agar microdilution for testing oily and coloured plant extracts. Place the plates in the incubator Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA). Check your stock kanamycin plates(if you have any stored) to In this well-known procedure, agar plates are inoculated with a standardized inoculum of the test microorganism. No growth on LB plates suggests you have no viable cells in your SOC medium. Examine and register the occurrence of complete, partial, or no However, this time, after the transformation of my ligation product, it grew fine on the agar plates, but it didn't grow when I inoculate the LB media. Where the concentration is sufficient to prevent bacterial growth or kill bacteria, We found that when the plate is spiked directly, no growth of S. But there is no single colony was found on any of the plates. (They also ordered and used extra bacteria and saw no growth. Picture 4: Mannitol salt agar; the plate on the left tests negative while the one on the right tests positive. 1 ml e coli 10-100 cfu and using pour plate method . Last Upload: September 14, 2016. Is there anything I can do differently to avoid this? My bacterial growth were a lot more underwhelming. LB Agar Ampicillin-100, Plates (pre-poured LB agar plates with 100 μg/ml ampicillin); Suitable for selective cultivation of LB Agar Ampicillin plates are pre-poured agar plates (100 mm) for the selection and propagation of Escherichia coli strains that are ampicillin resistant or h Miller′s LB is a highly-referenced microbial growth medium used for the cultivation of E. PRESENTATION • Ready-to-use 90 mm x 20 dishes code 356-3747 STORAGE • Ready-to-use: + 2° to 8°C, protected from light • Expiration date and batch number are shown on the package. Tryptic Soy Agar Plate (TSA), USP. For one of my agar plates the Once the media solidifies, the plates can be placed in the hot air oven at a lower heat setting for a few minutes to remove any moisture present on the plates before use. Pre-poured LB agar plates are stable for three months when stored as directed. And the "no growth" term means the agar does not support the growth of the organism at all. Swarming in Blood Agar . Incubator is set at 96F. Plate count agar is a widely used medium in microbiology, designed to support the growth of a broad range of microorganisms. to allow for the growth of certain Campylobacter species. no growth occur on Macconky agar after 72hr at 35 degree incubation , using 0. The agar is bright yellow around ten of the colonies. Purpose of Mannitol salt agar. Staphylococcus spp: Lactose fermenter: Small pink colonies, 1-2mm in diameter, opaque: Enterococcus spp: Inoculate known standard strains on MacConkey agar plates, incubate for 18-24 hours at 35-37°C, and observe for growth and 1. 00 PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEET For Research Use Only. A chlorhexidine-agar plate culture medium protocol to complement standard broth reference to blood agar plates because Haemophilus influenzae and other fastidious microorganisms grow anaerobically and would not be detected on an aerotolerance test conducted solely on blood agar plates. Different types of microbes Tryptic Soy Agar Plate (TSA), USP ; Add to cart Close. 00 Yeast extract 5. I collected samples using an inoculation loop from 3 different water sources: the tap, refill tank on a toilet and the toilet bowl. Neomycin agar, for example, inhibits the growth of all but streptococcus bacteria. MacConkey Agar Plate No colonies present or no growth in liquid culture: Cells are not viable: Transform an uncut plasmid (e. This technique, however, is tedious, labour-intensive, and takes large amounts of tested compounds. Subtilis. Suggest: Put 20-30ml of the same liquid LB into a fresh petri plate and inoculate it and let The margin growth of a bacteria describes how the edges of the colony appear under a microscope and can appear: with a smooth rounded edge called entire. I took a piece of balogna & wiped it over a cutting brd & let sit for 2 days then clensed each area with a different disinfectant. Description . Interpretation The presence of straw colonies indicates Shigella sonnei. The main ingredients in nutrient agar are peptone, beef extract and agar. Members of the Bdellovibrio genus (eg, ATCC 27047) are host-specific predators of Gram-negative bacteria. by inoculation of MRSA Select plates with a defined volume of the initial I got colonies from my "no plasmid" control plate, as well as my sample plate. Luria Broth (LB) or liquid broth medium is first prepared The article “Understanding the Agar Plate Method for Mycelium Growth” expertly demystifies this scientific approach, providing a clear, detailed exposition on this methodology and its usage in contemporary research. References. aureus is observed, however when the rinse for the membrane filtration method is spiked S. Use more CFU. 5 percent peptone, 0. Where Dc is the diameter of growth in control plate and Ds is the diameter of growth in the plate containing tested antifungal agent. The growth of diatoms on agar plates was observed in this study since prior research indicated that diatoms can grow on this medium. Bile salts and crystal violet inhibit the growth No growth on LB plates suggests you have no viable cells in your SOC medium. The surface growth of bacterial cells showed a sigmoidal curve with time on a semilogarithmic plot. for 48-72 hours in a microaerophilic atmosphere of 85% nitrogen, 10% carbon dioxide, and 5% oxygen. How to Make Perfect Agar Plates. coli involves using a sterile loop or swab to transfer a small amount of bacterial culture onto the agar surface. This video above is a time lapse of bacteria growing on an agar plate. If an organism growing on the plate produces beta Use “+” for growth and “–“for no growth. 21:501-509, No growth: Pink-mucoid colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae in MacConkey Agar. This method combines convenience and time/cost effectiveness typical for What are common reasons for no colony growth after plate inoculation? Common reasons include strain aging, improper personnel operations, poor quality culture media, and inadequate storage of media and additives. The video is taken over a 48 hour period. in this case, no growth will be seen on the plate. Tubes of Enriched Thioglycollate Medium and/or Cooked Meat Medium and a tube of Peptone Yeast Extract Growth on PEA. Identifying the bacteria makes sense if there is no mixed bacterial growth on the CLED agar plate (not more than two germs). I have encountered a problem where my bacteria (Staphylococcus Epidermidis) grow perfectly fine in liquid media (Tryptic soy broth) but not on agar plates (freshly prepared TSB plates). 8) were prepared for the plates, which Pasteur noticed that there was no growth because dust and germs had been trapped on the walls of the curved tubes. Bacteria can grow with a bumpy edge called undulate. Then, filter paper discs (about 6 mm in diameter), containing the test compound at a desired concentration, are placed on the agar surface. coli with the amino acids, nucleotides, co-enzymes, etc. After incubation you see fourteen white colonies on the agar plate. g. Stick to the Recipe Start by preparing your medium exactly as per the recipe. The study demonstrated that Amphora sp. Inoculating the agar plates with E. 1. C. , Food Microbiol. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Ensure your sterile techniques are top-notch to prevent unexpected microbial growth. Although the cells are growing very well on the KAN agar plates, they are not growing well in the LB A sample of pus from a skin wound is placed on a mannitol salts agar plate (MSA) and incubated at 370C for at least 24 hours. Autoclave; Incubate both plates overnight at the appropriate growth temperature and check Bacterial transformation is a routine procedure in molecular biology laboratories. It is extremely rare that the "cougher" coughs sterilely! Provide explanations for why no growth was found on the plate. No. 1 mL aliquots of the You have to check your competent cells also by streaking on both antibiotic and non-antibiotic agar plates. Cat. It is sometimes necessary to enumerate the number of bacteria in a liquid culture by performing serial dilutions and plating these serial dilutions on an agar plate in order to quantify the number of colony-forming units in a given volume of culture (cfu/ml). This plate was incubated on ice, and If the organism is killed or inhibited by the concentration of the antibiotic, there will be NO growth in the immediate area around the disc: This is called the zone of inhibition (Figure 9. 3 (PO0495A) is a selective media the differentiation between lactose and non-lactose fermenters • Visually inspect plates to assess colony growth and colour under good lighting. Different Media: Adjust your preparation technique based on the medium. This upside-down position prevents condensation from falling onto The effect of temperature, pH, and sodium chloride concentration on the growth of the Ascomycetes fungus Monascus ruber van Tieghem, the main spoilage microorganism during storage of table olives, was studied by using the gradient plate technique. I added 1 ml LB and incubate at 37 oC with shaking for 1 hour and then plated on LB Glass petri dishes and agar gel close agar gel A jelly-like substance that is derived from a type of seaweed and used in the lab as a medium on which to grow bacteria and fungi. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, (LB) agar medium with 100 μg/mL ampicillin. 4. The diameter of the area displaying no growth is measured to determine susceptibility as per CLSI guidelines. On solid media, a single microbe will grow and divide to produce a "colony," a spot of identical descendants. The specific composition of nutrient agar can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and source of the ingredients used. Incubate Campy CVA Agar plates at 42ºC. If there is no growth or at least poor growth, it is an indicator that the microorganisms are gram positive. Neisseria gonorrhoeae* 43069 Growth After that I plated them on ampicillin agar plate. 0 WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Results. colonies grew on each f/2 medium with agar concentrations of 0,4%, 0,6%, and 0,8%. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a growing culture of the host strain before opening the vial of the predator. The zone sizes are looked up on a standardized chart One Shot™ LB Agar Plates with 100 μg/mL Ampicillin Catalog Number A55802 Pub. COLI ON SOLID MEDIA. In addition, media may be set up in duplicate, with the second set incubated at 35-37ºC. Plates were all sterile and from the same sealed pack. The second isolate shows no growth on EMB or MSA plates. Bdellovibrio spp. Formula* Agar plates are the standard solid support material for growing microorganisms. Agar _____ provide the most surface area Prewarming the medium and plates may help with cell growth. Place a novobiocin antibiotic disc in the centre of the first-streaked area on the blood agar plate (where you expect to see the heaviest growth). they need to grow quickly (Mason and Mor, 2015). Related Pictures MacConkey medium preparation Fig. The primary purpose of mannitol salt agar is to determine or select bacteria that have the ability to grow in a high salt environment. Mix in your agar powder and give it a good stir. Below is a table illustrating common result interpretations and what they may indicate: Observation Interpretation Possible Significance; No Growth: No visible microbial colonies: Absence of viable If growth is good on blood agar, do the lawn culture (spread) on mueller hinton agar (MHA) directly for susceptibility. Microbial growth media contains nutrients and an energy source to fuel the microbes as they grow, and agar to keep the media in a semi-solid, gel-like state. Growth from agar blocks may take 5-7 days to appear. fill in with your description! No growth. (1, 2) MacConkey Agar No. The manufacturing of rich medium provides E. All conditions in the microbiological assay must be controlled carefully. Colony growth demonstrates resistance to ampicillin; Bacteria has the bla gene; 24 of Find step-by-step Biology solutions and the answer to the textbook question Assume that after incubation, plate 4 (cough) shows no growth. Bacillus subtilis Heavy growth; cream colored. Image by Anne Y. If still no growth appears, having a grad student chant and dance around the plates MRSA Select /Agar 356-3747 (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ) 1/2 DEFINITION no growth. Gradients of NaCl (3 to 9%, wt/vol) at right angles to gradients of pH (2 to 6. Put the picture of your PEA plate here! Include a written description - morphology, color, etc! Growth on MacConkey Agar. Why was there no growth on the (LB/Amp -) plate? A. The video above demonstrates proper hand-washing technique. 1). ) then i made new softer + more nutrient BRF agar and got those spores germinating! The student says they have followed the instructions and have seen no growth on the plates after more than a week. The correct identification of the bacteria will only be successful if isolated colonies are present on the agar plates. Proteus does not swarm in the MacConkey agar medium and forms smooth, pale or colorless (NLF) colonies. BASIC PROTOCOL 2 GROWTH OF E. Protocol Video. Composition Component Concentration, g/L Casein peptone 10. Composition, Principle, Preparation, Method of Use, Result Interpretation, Uses, and Limitations of VRBA. -Slants-Agar plates. LB agar is a solid bacterial growth medium used in molecular biology studies for the For a microbio class project, we have been working on samples we have isolated from soil. com. A bacterial isolate is subcultured to two blood agar plates, one of which is incubated in an anaerobe jar, and the other is incubated on a shelf in the incubator. Before you begin this protocol, watch the protocol video below to get a quick idea of how the whole process works. i don't understand how this is possible given how simple the agar recipe is. The instructions say 1-2 days for colony growth. This article on bacterial transformation troubleshooting addresses some common problems and recommendations on Why there is no growth in agar plate? The culture plate has colonies that do not look like most of the colonies, or there are colonies where nothing was streaked. There was no growth noted on the MAC plate which tells us there are no gram negatives present. Nothing whatsoever on over 120 plates. Microbiologics Sometimes YEP growth media for Agro. Skip to the end of the images gallery . Tryptic Soy Agar is recommended for use as a general growth medium for the isolation and cultivation of microorganisms. The antiseptics present in the discs will diffuse out into the agar, with the concentration decreasing with distance from the disc. This agar had ampicillin antibiotic in it, and these cells did not acquire the plasmid (so they were killed by ampicillin). 00 Sodium chloride 10. In this case, the growth of the organism will be scanty on the plate. One aerobic blood agar plate to be incubated aerobically. Colonies formed by the same microbial species growing on the same medium Project Question: I chose How Well Do Disinfectants Work proj & followed the instructions but nothing is growing on my agar plates. After planting initial microorganisms on the gelatinous surface of the plate, researchers incubate them at body temperature to form colonies for isolation and analysis. This nutrient I'm using tryptic soy agar to grow bacteria. Blood Agar: Growth. 3 percent beef extract Making agar plates, whether they contain LB, M9, blood agar, or any other growth media, is a simple procedure. B. If a single bacterial cell is placed on the surface of a TSA agar plate and allowed to multiply for 24 to 48 hours, it would grow into a mass of cells visible to the human eye called a colony. A filiform margin has The following sections delve into the specifics of using plate count agar, from its composition to its applications in testing environments. No growth seen after five days: To perform this test, some of the Plate agar blocks or a colonized seed on a rich medium such as PDA. Incubate the blood agar plates in 5–10% CO 2 and the mannitol salt agar plates in air conditions; at 35–37 °C for 18–24 h. If there is a good growth, then it indicates that the bacteria are gram negative. Swarming properties of Proteus present Assessing growth on agar plates is generally your best shot for isolating a single clone or colony, or identifying an unknown species via morphology. Incubating the plates allows the bacteria in the agar to multiply by binary fission (this may be visible by the agar darkening or by colonies appearing). One of the possible reasons why plate 4 would not have any growth is that the agar plate may not have sufficient Before inoculation, a blood agar plate appears red and opaque due to the large particulate red blood cells (RBCs) contained within. . The added supplements provide the necessary X factor (from Haemoglobin) and V factor (from Growth Supplement) required by the fastidious organisms. Bacterial Colonies. Case Study 2: Urine Sample. Equipment. I've only ever used our bacterial colonies before and usually I have incubated the plates for 24hrs at 37 degrees celsius. It appears to be that when utilising a membrane filter on CET agar that the bacteria on the filter are protected from the inhibitory properties of the agar. Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) allows growth of fungi, yeasts and mold and Describe and interpret how streak plate approaches result in the petri plate growth patterns. , Austin, Texas; ASM Microbe Library: MacConkey Agar Plates Protocols The following protocol will allow you to make your own LB/agar plates with your antibiotic of interest. MAN0029965 • Rev. Did th; McConkey agar plates are used to isolate enteric bacteria. But there are a few finer points that, if you get them wrong, will kill your experiment, make a mess, or just cause you inconvenience. coli transformed with my plasmid that has a KAN resistance gene. Agar plates are petri dishes containing agar in combination with a growth medium to culture microorganisms such as bacteria. I included pictures of it. Intended Use MacConkey Agar No. whvky nvkdumrzf kktdmr uqnp hmzetpe ttsgf gjtj nuzonf pvjxow guybz pxvmbl oomdn stwun uvtchxt eiwg