Megathron dps. @Battle BV, it's still the king.
Megathron dps Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! large hybrids: Rokh, Megathron, Hyperion, Vindicator, Kronos. Combined with crystal implants, it’s super fast!! Only issue really is the time it takes to approach the boss if you are unlucky with the spawn location. I would reccomend a pair of battleships, but if you dont have a buddy any heavier one such as a navy issue or a marauder would be your best bet. Armageddon looks alright, neuts are pretty strong and I have seen low sp run rapid heavies for pve. Utility high slots enable emergency remote repairs and energy transfer cap chain. 3 stealth bombers add up to 900 dps or so. Megathron Navy Issue Role. The range and tracking is the limiting factor here. 25 22:59:00 - Your DPS will be somewhere in the lines of 50-100. ----- Effective Nov 1, 2021 - Move. mil has closed and all online moving support can now be found via the new Moving [Megathron Navy Issue, Nega-PvE] Large Armor Repairer II Armor Kinetic Hardener II Armor Thermal Hardener II Damage Control II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II also due to the active tank bonus it more than compensates for the missing lowslot the DPS is the same, while the Nega has better tracking which can be ignored since you will Summary. so it opts to drop a gun and fit a heavy neut, only filling out 6 of the 7 turret hardpoints. Shoot things, read combat logs buy more 100ISK mods and improve your setup. However, it gets no tanking bonus, so if your tanking skills are low (Armor comp, ect), you may have trouble. As for the active tank, all I can say is a rig or module fit for armor reps and resistance is one left out for dps or speed, which inherently makes armor not as fast - if not slow I still love my neutron-thron, but its certainly suboptimal when compared to geddons with similar dps/EHP except 4x the optimal. How does this ship perform in L4s compared to the Drake or the Raven? Currently I get 215 DPS with my Drake and it can tank 2-300 DPS forever depending on hardener fit Golem (Short Range DPS) • Golem pilots require the Bastion Badge to fly this ship. FWIW. I think the Slotlayout of the Megathron is also better than Hyperion since you don't need utility High and 5 Mids. . Ship progression. All marauders which have the extra-large shield booster modules are required to have Synth Blue Pill Combat Boosters active. The fit is fairly cheap, under 250 million; if you downgrade the rigs, you probably can get it under 200 million. All 3 use rat specific armor modules that need to be changed depending on the mission and are cap stable with the armor reppers off. Add to that the superior drone bay of the Mega (316 drone dps vs 180) and you have some serious dps differences. Faction Battleships Megathron Class. 5K dps vindicator in these Winter Nexus sites. They are not on par dps-wise. That will drop a battleship very quickly. The ability to vomit out 1500 odd DPS tends to make very short work of anything inside 20km though, and is usually enough to make up for having to MWD into every pack of bad guys. Posted - 2006. The Kronos and Navy Megathron are also decent, but the Domi is more low-SP friendly. With 4 mid slots and 8 lows, it is almost exclusively armor-tanked, and can mount a thick armor buffer or a respectable active tank (though it lacks the Hyperion's active See more Somehow, i've ended up with a couple Megathron's gathering dust in my ship hanger, and figured i'd throw together a decent, low cost fit that i could take out to clear combat sites (DED 5's or Support the site. Not every ship fits into PvE Situations, the megathron is actually pretty good for pvp though with how much dps it can put out. However, Summary. Dominix Megathron Hyperion Typhoon Tempest Maelstrom; Navy Faction Battleships: Apocalypse Navy Support the site. I'd go for a T2 falloff, T2 optimal and T1 tracking rig setup instead (this will give you another 20% overall range and 15% more tracking speed). [Megathron, lvl4] Centus C-Type Large Armor Repairer Reactive Armor Hardener Centum C-Type Energized Kinetic Membrane Centum C-Type Energized Thermal Membrane Megathron is a good time, however like most battleships without proper skills you're gonna have a bad time. The Rokh and Kronos have at least a range bonus so would help the blasters a bit. The Megathron Navy Issue (also called the Navy Megathron) is a simple upgrade on the regular Megathron. so stick with the Docked and Loaded Mammoth structure has 60,000 shield HP with 1700 DPS reps. 5K EHP without fleet links active, you'll loose some range but will not change your dps. Megathron Under Frantic Repair DED Complexes; Angel Cartel; 1/10 Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm: 2/10 Creo-Corp Mining: 3/10 Repurposed Outpost: 4/10 Occupied Mining Colony: Once your shipment has been awarded it will be reflected in DPS and the moving company should contact you within three calendar days of shipment award, and confirm an agreed upon pickup date inside the 7-day spread (in writing). Aeon 2. High Amount of Low Slots. This is a HUGE nerf, especially to the Megathron/Hyperion. If you are asking why Rokh is better in PvP with autocannons, it's because they take no cap, have selectable damage, track better, have much better range, and since the Rokh has no damage bonus to hybrid weapons, they actually do It can push out respectable DPS and respectable ranges with pulse lasers, especially once you start using T2 lasers and Scorch. 130 m/sec. 24 21:34:00 - just wondering what puts out higher DPS with skills, bonuses, and tech II weapons, which ship has the edge in gank. So blaster suck (in all but one mission) as you spend more time actually burning after your targets than you spend shooting thus increasing your running time. [Megathron Navy Issue, The Gotse Delchev] Large 'Accommodation Often times fits try to balance DPS and Tank and end up with sub par stats in both. You can shit upwards of 1000 dps with blasters but rails aren't a bad option. Nyx 5. There are even a very few NPC ships that I simply can not take down with the drones, usually a final boss type Back to Main Armor List Megathron Role. Depends what role you want to fly. However, the new Bastion mode gives blasters more than enough damage projection, while keeping their incredible DPS. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Scrap all the rigs. EVE Online Forums [Megathron, *Winter Megathron] Large Armor Repairer II Capacitor Power Relay II Capacitor Power Relay II Golem can put out bout 3k dps and tank it too (not indefinitely) use of bastion and jump drive, I use it in droneland and can get 100mill/hour easy enough and escalations 300mill in less than 1 hour. This build favors defence over offence. 5( 53. I run a site with my 500dps sentry ishtar for example. Anderson_Geten (Anderson Geten) April 24, 2020, 7:10pm 4. It's even tighter on CPU and doesn't have the wiggle room to change a hardener for a Mag Stab so you're stuck with quite a small tank for Angels. ♦ Megathron: 介绍: 万王宝座级是最令人望而生畏的战列舰之一。自从大约20年前首次露面以来,万王宝座级在联邦边境星系的多事地区做出了巨大的贡献,为盖伦特的巩固扩张立下了汗马功劳。 ID: 46077: 伤害: DPS:142. Get 1 mil FREE Skillpoints on a new character: https://eve. Eve just doesn't do the RRBS gangs of 2007 that made megathrons great. Certificate : Turret Control Improved; Certificate : Armor Reinforcement Standard; Certificate : High-Velocity Helmsman Improved Sure, the last three combat missions take a bit longer due to lack of DPS, but since the bulk of the missions are “go there” types, the interceptor speed makes it much faster overall. [Megathron Navy Issue, Mega] The Megathron is great in a group, with reps. That said, at 100km the performance difference is marginal, and you would be paying for the extra DPS between 0-100km (nearly 100 extra DPS up to 90km). The Leshak is the Triglavian Collective's battleship. to give you an idea, a destroyer will match a newbie BS for DPS. Skills. We are talking about 15% difference in gun-dps alone between your Hype and my Navy Mega fit. Finally, what about a Megathron? It'll take a week or so to push my gunnery and Armor skills up to the level of my shield stuff, and the hull itself is only a couple of days. The Texas Department of Public Safety is committed to recruiting and training a diverse workforce that reflects its core values: Integrity, Accountability, Excellence and Teamwork. and cruisers are very lenient of low fitting skills. Prospektor_Schipplock (Prospektor Schipplock) September 12, 2022, 5 It puts out 718 first rack DPS (573 sustained) It gets 67km range missiles and 69km range drones. The Vindi has more "primary weapon" DPS with the blasters, but the Rattle's combined damage out-gunned it originally. 1 Like. The Hyperion on the other hand is pretty good for solo PVE thanks to it's rep bonus. When kiting, you don't win the fight because you have more dps, you win the fight because your opponent struggles to apply his dps onto you and giving you all the time you need to Well the mega is going to do a little less DPS, but due to the tracking bonus it will apply it better. Utility high slots enable emergency remote repairs and The T1 aerator rig is only giving you +2-3% DPS and you can get that with a single Faction magnetic field stabilizer instead. The thing is a beast, and when fitted as below, it has a nice tank, is fairly agile Support the site. Like many Gallente ships, the Brutix has a lot of structure hitpoints. The fit requires good fitting skills as it is tight on CPU. 15Min of cap MWD active Stable 60% with injector active [Megathron Navy Issue] When the Marauder rebalance is done, the Kronos will be much better. (EFT says 467 DPS with my skills) but sentry drones or T1 drones work fine as well if a bit slower. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Build for tank and DPS should come as second priority. 12b, but a stepping stone for the time being. It is commonly used as a blaster brawler. I found one on BattleClinic that is probably an old fit and can use some tweaking. The Nidhoggur is the Minmatar carrier. In EVE Echoe The T1 aerator rig is only giving you +2-3% DPS and you can get that with a single Faction magnetic field stabilizer instead. Good close range range dps with neutron blasters. To join the DPS team, candidates must complete a rigorous physical readiness test, written test, polygraph exam, interview, background investigation, medical exam Based on my previous research it might need 1850 DPS to break the shield. The already good DPS of blasters combined with the Hyperion's damage bonus and big drone bay lead to impressive DPS at point blank range. Buy Corps here After the T2 ammo nerf, Spike L is doing the same damage as Lead ammo instead of Uranium. PL TUG: The Underpants Gnomes. All Channels Ships and Modules Megathron DPS VS. Tank varies with damage type, but approximately 220 DPS sustained. Another thing you could consider is singleboxing a Bifrost or other command Dessie with links and MJFD, you will increase the capabilities of other ships in your fleet whilst being able to make offensive and defensive boosh plays. battleships are not. The graph at the end of this post demonstrates that the Vindicator outperforms the Megathron, which you would expect considering the ship and fit cost around 250m more. The damage bonus helps make up for the weakness of railguns while the tracking #eveechoes #eveeplayer #eveechoesguide #eveechoesgameplay #pvp #guide #AngelCartel#Machariel#orthrus EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based Also I said out of 0. Hyperion 4. The Megathron has a higher dps than the Dominix if you include the medium drones but honestly they are rarely used. A fit with projectile turrets and an energy neutralizer can add significant turret DPS by closing range, and, with few other demands on its capacitor, can drain small- and medium-sized Fit a pvp or buffer tank megathron or abaddon, you need heavy tank and heavy omni resists, even with 80%omni resist they will still peg your ship for 800-1200 damage a volley. If you want to PvE you want missiles, drones, or both. 1) 358. but will take 20 hours Been using a Ferox for lvl3 missions when both that ship and railguns were shit, later on I used a Navy Megathron and eventually Proteus or Astarte for lvl4's. Support the site. Probably most useful, it also has an expanded drone bay, allowing it to carry a heavy drone flight and a medium or light drone flight. In addition to the Domi and the Megathron, there is a third Gallente Battleship series - the Hyperion . @Battle BV, it's still the king. 713638s, 48km + 28. 5% over the Mega, all other things being equal. you simply can not fit good tank and dps to a BS without maxed skills. In that regard, it competes with the Thanatos which has the same damage bonus. There is little in terms of hull progression in this regard - the best progression opportunity is skill-based, and comes in Is blaster megathron considered a bad fit now? It’s just all kiting, ewar and marauders these days, and a megathron seems so dumb with slow speed, 4 mid and 0 utility high. It is the battleship entry in the Gallente's long line of active armor tanked blaster brawlers, including the Incursus and Brutix. Kronos's smaller drone bay, 2 rigs and 7 low slots loses out to the Navythrons 125m3 dronebay, 3 rigs and 8 lowslots. (But sth suspicious is it also stated that u only need 1000 ish dps for the Megathron under frantic repair in the 4th room, which is clearly wrong). Others have pointed out the Keres and Maulus, these are great force multipliers. [Megathron Navy Issue, Alpha, lvl4] Damage Control II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II A Megathron with ion blasters and void L does around 1300 dps and still moves at 1250m/s. In PvE its advantage over the Thanatos is the additional mid slot which is more valuable than a lowslot due to such modules as drone navs, omidirectional tracking links, or sensor boosters. Certificate : Turret Control Improved Certificate : Armor Reinforcement Standard Certificate : High-Velocity Helmsman Improved So I have been trying to get some ideas for a Megathron Fit. Obviously mileage varies with skill training. Sadly blasters generally have too short range to make work in pve (exceptions exist). Reply reply They have the highest dps but shortest range in the game of any weapon system. Cap stable with AB+Nos working, 15Min without Nos (thus cap injector) 2. With a damage and a tracking bonus, the Talos focuses on blasters, providing very high DPS, but limited range. Get your Omega codes here. Usually you will know what amount of DPS different type of ships have say a blaster void megathron will deal around 1000DPS now rather than thinking ship_dps*dmg_reduction = rep_amount which you would have to do to every single ship you encounter its easier to think the other way ship_dps I tried a 2. It’s one of my favorite ships and the 20th anniversary skin looks awesome. For armor incursions try to get 100k ehp with 70% resistance 万王宝座级海军型 (Megathron Navy Issue) 是一艘盖伦特联邦的战列舰。 强大的万王宝座级战列舰终结了针对联邦安全大量的威胁,而且自身也在不停地改进。 The primary problem with rails is that their “effective” combat range is about the end of their “optimal” with long range ammunitions, unless your ship is bonused for either tracking (Megathron, Talos) or optimal (Rokh, Naga). 7 597. Dominix Navy Issue 5. The purpose of their role therefore IMO is to be able to lay down a ton of DPS at either point-blank or really long range, therefore ideally acting as the hammer of any fleet fleet composition. Reply reply Dran_Arcana • Right but just because you and I can afford to do that doesn't mean the average alpha can. Tempest with double DPS bonus feels fine, but active tank is paper thin. I would love your opinion on Polarised Megathron or Navy version. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Meh, you can use faction, slightly more expensive but same DPS, better application and twice the tank of t2. DDA's and cap with cap rigs will have her pushing out ~1600 DPS cap stable and stone cold The Hyperion is an awesome ship for PvP, but for PvE it misses the Tracking and DPS of the Megathron. A really solid more affordable option is the Move into T2 drones and you start breaking 500+DPS. The Talos is the Gallente Attack Battlecruiser. 425mm with Tracking Bonus always track better than unbonussed 350mm. Sure: low DPS, horrible application, non-selectable damage. Megathron: Ironically it's a better railboat than the rokh is. 08. Just go on SiSi and play with fittings, EFT DPS != EVE DPS, EFT does not factor in hit quality or tracking. The fit is fairly cheap, under 250 million; if Approximately 750 DPS w/ Antimatter, +150 DPS with Medium Drones. Megathron is a brawler/sniper with tracking bonus. 1141 DPS; 318 DPS tank against serpentis for 2min21s; 810m estimated cost; Armour fit DNI [Dominix Navy Issue, DNI L4 Starter Fit - Armour] If you are willing to move over to armour and want to focus on turrets, I would recommend the Megathron Navy Issue. Other kiting frigs use drones, and 5 hobgoblins with max skills go up to 150 dps if you fit 2 or 3 Damagemods. With Ogre 2's added to the rattle instead of a gecko, and 3x dda, 3x bcu, it gets 2060dps Adding Ogre 2's to the Vindi, and 3x dda, I got 2224 dps, a 502 dps increase, which was significantly more than I thought it would get. ignore him. With maximum skills and implants and a full damage ramp, the Zirnitra can out-dps any titan fit any way, including the faction titans. The Hyperion is a Tech 1 Gallente battleship. Yes some (not all) armor ships are slow bricks but it is not the rule. For ease of flying the order is in my opinion the same order as tanking. From its introduction in 2018 through the Marauder improvements in 2021, the Leshak was the highest damage battleship in New Eden, while also featuring very thick armor, four utility High slots, Blaster-grade Tracking out to Mega Pulse Laser ranges, and a mass low enough to make it [Megathron Navy Issue, remote rep] True Sansha Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Gallente Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer 1098 dps with my skills and 154k ehp lv5: 1197 dps 4000 volley damage : Car Wars Shinra: Posted - 2008. Hell, even the Hyperion will plow through your enemies. 8km 1. With damage and a tracking bonus, it focuses on blasters, providing very high DPS, but limited range. Megathron. Megathron Navy Issue 3. Summary. Progression varies a little between the roles of logistics and damage dealers, but is somewhat straight forward with easily identified high-end ships to aim for. online/aceface_skillpointsFit used Support the site. Or you fit a megathron with smartbombs - that would Summary. (excluding blaster builds) add some drone space/range (caldari sentry drones can easily match antimatter loaded railguns range as a secondary damage buff) or a Large Railgun only bonus since Rokh can do decent already with blasters, but it’s still overshadowed some by megathron. The T1 aerator rig is only giving you +2-3% DPS and you can get that with a single Faction magnetic field stabilizer instead. The Hype makes a vastly better sniper than the Mega (lol?) due to the same damage bonus and the extra turret allows for increased DPS by 12. #Gellente#EVEEchoes#MegathronStriker#DPS#PVPEVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. The Megathron is a gun boat, specializing in large hybrid turrets, and being something of a spiritual successor to the Thorax and Catalyst. i would personally Megathron Navy Issue Role. WD EWAR L. I haven't dialled it in yet so can speed it up, if I plan my warp in and jump in right so the spawns are at good range. PvP Gameplay Center. This makes it favourable to hull tank it for solo PvP or small fleets although it has a bonus to armor repairers. Also, transforming megatron megathron. You can step this fit up with more faction or T2 gear as your skills and budget allow. the 2500 dps version is cheaper and probably adequate in most cases, so maybe thats the better Summary. Above average sniper. Hi, I am doing ratting in Nullsec with ishtar about 600 dps, it is possible to find another ship so i can have up to 1000 dps with less training Thanks a lot. However, based on my search result from Brave 's wiki, I might only need 1700 ish to break it. And don't . If you want to fly one of the two, use the Mega with an MJD, this way you don't need the tanking bonus of the Hyperion. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! A similar fitted Megathron needs 3 Mag Stabs to match the dps, so you have to go 3 hardeners + rep which gives you around 100 less tank, 10 less dps and slighylthan the Hype, for quite abit more tracking. The one expensive part of the build is the Pith shield booster. For example, the Cyclone has an AWESOME Shield Boosting Tank, but it's DPS is only around 500 and that's with good skills. However, with the range of heavy Megathron under frantic repair (~1,000 dps required to break) Cruise Missile Batteries - 2 Stasis Towers - 2 Battleships - 8 Battlecruisers - 10 Destroyers - 10 Fifth Room Instructions The Antimatter Channeler drops the 23rd tier overseer effects (100% of the time), and has a chance to drop Gist X-Type and Shield Domination loot, along with a You can fit it with rails or you can fit it with blasters like a madlad and do 2 million dps. A good basis for a megathron fitting is 7 neutrons, a MWD/ECCM/tackle/injector, then 2x plates, 2x magstabs a DCU and resist mods. Let navy keep both. However the speed of the mega is still dwarfed by other cruisers. Without a high DPS marauder or a few friends its better to skip its drop. Aeon 4. Tachs use to be op until nightmare and paladin can run 4 comfortably with the DPS of 8. Structures. The Kronos is the highest DPS Marauder, but pays for that by being the A megathron gets 8 lows (one of the only battleships IIRC to get 8 lows) so you can really tank this thing out the ass, apply a nano or something and get some ridiculous speed. They have great tracking, better tank and dps when compared to tempest and as you are mostly fighting in scram range, blasters will deal dps. Logistics. I'd go for a T2 falloff, T2 optimal and In this episode, we kit out and test out a Gallente Megathron Battleship for running L4 missions, focussing on long range sniping! THE FIT: [Megathron, L4 Sniper] This fit does 900+ DPS at 47+ km with good skills and tanks 500+ DPS against any enemy faction when using the correct hardeners. With Mimesis implants, RoF implants, and officer Damage Mods, Zirnitras can output 60k up Megathron Navy Issue. Total cost of about 1. Golem Anti-Gank ; Preferred Starter Battleships (Short Range DPS) Apocalypse Navy Issue Anti-Gank ; Megathron Navy Issue Anti-Gank The Brutix is known as a very high DPS combat battlecruiser. This fit does 900+ DPS at 47+ km with good skills and tanks 500+ DPS against any enemy faction when using the correct hardeners. 5Min of cap with MWD+Nos active 1. 9 每6. The main advantage the Vargur had is the incredible damage projection of projectiles. EVE Online Forums Best Fit to up my dps. The Kronos CAN get a better rep tank (And rep tanks are extremely fallible to neuts which are fairly popular in current metagame), and CAN do better dps but not at the same time and you sacrifice cap stability to get the tank. All can work but the issue with large hybrids is that the range of blasters is bad and rails are also iffy. Magnus Thermopyle Chosen Path: Posted - I blits through high-sec combat sites in my favorite Hecate fit. Rattlesnake Low/Nullsec (FW/anom running) 1. Near-Multifrequency damage at 70km ranges is not out of the question. DPS is still fairly decent, ~887 including a pair of Infiltrators (drones to taste as usual) since In this episode, we kit out and test out a Gallente Megathron Battleship for running L4 missions, focussing on long range sniping! /talos would work in this situation with battleship guns and more than available tank to go trought the low incoming dps you face there mostly cause they have the weakest DPS for a Battleship. In some missions the railguns will have an edge if you want to stay still and just shoot (like The Blockade), with blasters you will have to combine MJD+MWD to close the gap, but if you get close to them, you just So looking for fits for Domi Hyperion Megathron Potentially Navy variants too. They had lots of fun with the Apoc and Megathron fleets and the thousands of Ravens thrown at their Keepstar guard target. You can change the +fall off rig for another trimark and get 144. EVE Online Forums Gallente Battleship Fits. Sadly in almost all scenarios bringing a hyperion or Praxis seems to be the better choice. Its fighter damage bonus makes it a popular choice for PvE. 12b, but a stepping stone for Megathron's a good ship but you need to really focus on the turrets. Losing a few can hurt the wallet. I'd go for a T2 falloff, T2 optimal and T1 tracking rig Megathron is the best ship for railguns you can get into right away for missions thanks to its tracking bonus, with upgrades being the Vindicator and Kronos for the much-needed dps increases. The 2x rigor fit Golem is the best at dealing with smaller targets, but you loose out on around 150 dps against battleships, which as stated earlier, are generally the largest pool of HP. The Oneiros is the optimal logistics ship for Vanguard sites. High Amount of High Slots. makes for an excellent platform for running blasters with the strong damage bonus to see you shitting out 1100+ dps with void and the strong reps to keep you alive while you get into range and melt face. The reason you usually use EHP is to give a more direct estimate towards dps. All the way up to 1000+ DPS gank fits that do an amazingly good job of blitzing missions. The theoretical DPS fit Golem is wanting against cruisers (it still does a significant amount of damage but isn’t as good as the other two). Non-existent mid range dps. With Rails this isn't a big issue as they're already high DPS. It has an additional high slot, allowing for a neut or smartbomb, more CPU and powergrid and more base tank. Nyx 3. Not sure what you'll be using it for Megathron Role. The Praxis is neither, and among the battleships, I think the Praxis also has the poorest sensors, which means you need Signal Amplifiers or Megathron under frantic repair: 介绍: 在这个只建造了一半的万王宝座级周围有大量活动进行着。当你好奇为什么会这样时,你注意到你的感应器显示,它被一个极其牢固的护盾保护着。 ID: 17748: 伤害: DPS:0() 血量 Kronos is a beast of a ship, you can have good dps at long range with railguns, or insane dps at close/medium range with blasters. Maybe reduce 1 utility high to a mid or low. Railguns are generally not really recommended for pve though overall. Aeon or Nxy No question the rattlesnake does more dps, but if paper dps was all that mattered tengus and machs would never have become popular. 8 (1/7) 4 8 16,275 MW 630 tf. But you know what else those pilots could fly for the same isk cost but actually insurable instead, and do 2400 dps from the same range eahc with about 10x the hitpoints? Scorch guardians. This lends it's self to killing Cruisers or taking on slowly evolving fights where people trickle in and you have time to chew through your Approximately 750 DPS w/ Antimatter, +150 DPS with Medium Drones. 0 They are a bit crap. In short, it has the DPS of a Megathron and the tank of a Thorax. In missions you need application of dps more than raw dps. On the other hand, the Hyperion does not have the added tracking, but it has a rep amount bonus, so if your tank is having issues, it will be the better choice. Gonna need Duel Webs at least one being a Predator for any real results against other players rest of mids gonna need some Serious NOS to be cap Stable against more than one ship at a time also suggest small drones and Cap battery and Dmg control at a Dominix > all Megathron hulls ( Mega, Navy, Kronos, Vindicator ) > Hyperion It works well even with a turtle tank and smallest guns and t1 drones and it scales very well as your skills improve. 4 89. The frigate/cruiser screen and and the tanker utility battleships and logi act as the anvil. qkllrv swptc ger wrguc aixem rnuo qizg jnpjqpm lgdcs xpr mnlm zalbvn iukwj nzzokdt egjsu