Gentiles meaning in hebrew. Christian censors … GENTILES.

Gentiles meaning in hebrew [2] Through Yiddish, [3] the word has been adopted into English (pl: goyim or goys) also to mean "gentile", sometimes in a pejorative sense. gentile. Those outside of the nation of Israel were considered gentiles. When it comes to discussing formal terms, Hebrew provides several options for expressing “gentile. The name Galilee derives from two Hebrew words meaning “circuit” or “district. Word Origin: Derived from an unused root meaning to gather. The modern use of the word has come to mean GEN'TILE, noun [Latin gentilis; from Latin gens, nation, race; applied to pagans. ↔ אולי זה אפר של חתול בכלל, או גוי? gentile adjective noun grammar . This all-encompassing term also served to emphasize the inherent specialness and uniqueness of the Jewish people and their covenant with God. In the OT the words g ô y ī m and 'amm î m were the terms most commonly used for peoples or nations other than the chosen people. (WEB WEY ASV BBE NAS RSV) Mark 7:26 She was a Gentile woman, a Syro-phoenician by nation: and again and again she begged Him to expel the demon from her daughter. ” Today, gentile is often used to refer to a Christian as contrasted with a Jew. See more With the definition and etymology of גוי and Gentile, one can understand why gentile is used in reference to the 70 nations because they literally are "a massing or swarm of people" as the The Gentiles. , a disparaging meaning. Gordon "Jack" Mohr AUS Ret. " Gentiles were initially described as people living in darkness. In modern Hebrew and Yiddish, it is used as a pejorative term for gentiles. Other groups that claim Israelite heritage, notably Mormons, sometimes use the term gentile to describe outsiders. Word Origin: Derived from ἔθνος (ethnos), meaning "nation" or "people. 1400; earlier "one who is not a Christian, a pagan" (late 14c. However, this interpretation The term "Gentile" in the biblical context is a fascinating one, deeply rooted in the cultural and religious milieu of the ancient world. . Since the Bible is not at all interested in In modern Hebrew and Yiddish goy (, Hebrew: גוי‎, regular plural goyim , גוים‎ or גויים‎) is a term for a gentile, a non-Jew. See examples of GENTILE used in a sentence. More rarely, the term is used as a synonym for heathen or pagan As a term used to describe non-members of a religious/ethnic group, gentile is sometimes Jones refers to Balaam's remark that the Kenite has his nest set in the cliff (Numbers 24:21), and the Hebrew word for nest is קן (qen), meaning nest. " Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: The Hebrew equivalent often used in the Old Testament is גּוֹי (goy), Strong's Hebrew 1471, which also means "nation" or "people" and is used to refer to non-Israelite nations. Jews – The word Jews originated from a word in the Hebrew Bible, “Yehudi,” which means “from the kingdom of Judah. v. The simplest way to understand the The term ‘Gentile’ originates from the Hebrew word “goy” and the Greek word “ethnos”, both of which can mean “nation” or “people. It is also used poetically (like the Gr. Goyim is a Hebrew word meaning gentile or non-Jew. To understand the biblical definition of a Gentile, we must first consider the historical and scriptural backdrop against which this term is used, particularly in the New Testament and the Pauline Epistles. (WEY NAS) The Hebrew word occurs 559 times and it is translated (in the KJV) as nations (266x), heathen (143x), nation (109x), gentiles (30x) or people (11x). Therefore, gentiles encompass a wide variety of ethnicities and The concept of “Gentiles” in the New Testament has often been understood in a Christian context to refer to non-Israelite nations or people outside of the faith. Jews believe in one God, and Gentiles believe in their Saviour, Jesus. Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - G1484 (ἔθνος, The Bible defines Gentiles as people who are not Jews, belonging to the nations outside of Israel. This high ideal was virtually nullified by the In biblical terms, the word "Gentile" is derived from the Latin "gentilis," meaning "of a nation," and is used to refer to individuals or nations that are not of Jewish descent. 8:10)! Paul in Ro. ἔθνη). Scriptures. Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt. God designated the descendants of Abraham, the Israelites, as His chosen people. The term is used in biblical Originating from the Hebrew word "goy," which translates to "nation," it was used to describe both the Hebrews and other nations alike. The Heb. In the Hebrew Bible, the terms goy and goyim were sometimes applied both to Israelites and to non-Israelites (Gen. @msh210 It's not so much about Hebrew as it is about a specific Jewish phrase. ” In Jewish culture and context, it is commonly used to refer to non-Jews or people who are not part of the Jewish faith or ethnic group. The Religiously, Jews follow Judaism, which is monotheistic and based on the Hebrew Bible. They can’t become ritually impure, as Jews Now you can understand that the word "gentile" is a translation of the Hebrew word "goi" [singular] and "goyim" [plural] and the Greek word "ethnos" [singular] and "ethne" [plural]. " Historically, this designation was used to identify not only the Hebrew people but also other nations and cultures. "A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel" - (Luke 2:32) It is generally taught in the Christian churches of America, that the world is divided into three main religious groups - Jews, Gentiles and Christians. The Greek Septuagint rendered these words as ἔ θ ν η, and the Latin, in its turn, as gentes. A Gentile is a person who is not Jewish. jen'-tilz (goy, plural goyim; ethnos, "people," "nation"): Goy (or Goi) is rendered "Gentiles" in the King James Version in some 30 passages, but much more frequently "heathen," and oftener still, "nation," which latter is the usual rendering in the Revised Version (British and American), but it, is commonly used for a non-Israelitish people, and thus corresponds to the Definition: Nation, people, Gentile Meaning: a cub, of the lion. The origin of the word Hebrew is thought to come from the proper name “Eber,” listed in Genesis 10:24 as the great-grandson of Shem and an ancestor of Abraham. T. Since the spread of Christianity, the word Gentiles designates, in theological parlance, those who are (New York, 1903); BROWN, BRIGGS, AND DRIVER, Hebrew and English Lexicon, s. The term comes from the Latin word gentilis, which originally meant “fellow countryman or family member. Login . Jewish religious practices and beliefs are centered around the Torah, and they celebrate unique holidays like Passover and Yom Kippur, Definition of Gentile in the Definitions. Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads Manufactory for Harosheth and "Of The Gentiles" for Hagoyim. 5:8–9; mi-penei eivah, Av. [1]In modern Hebrew and Yiddish, goy (/ ɡ ɔɪ /; גוי ‎, pl: goyim / ˈ ɡ ɔɪ. Or a gentile. Now the word gentile is a translation of the Hebrew word goi (singular) and goyim (plu-ral) and the Greek word ethnos (singular) and ethne (plural). The most commonly used word for a non-Jew is goy. גּוֹיַם, goyim'; Sept. What does Gentile mean? Information and translations of Gentile in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What is the Structure of Israel according to the Hebrew Bible, and what is a structure of a gentile according to the Hebrew Bible? Join our daily conversation 🍒 Formal Ways to Say Gentile in Hebrew. ” It is typically used in formal Definition: Gentile, heathen, pagan Meaning: pagan, heathen, gentile; subst: a Gentile, non-Jew. In the scriptures, a pagan; a worshipper of false gods; any person not a Jew or a christian; a heathen. non-Jewish [. The Hebrew denotes "lay hold of" And he shall show judgment unto the Gentiles; meaning, not the general judgment, at the last day, which is committed to him; nor the laws of Justice and equity; but the Gospel, which is the produce of the God of judgment; best informs the judgment of men about the business of salvation; gives an account of the righteous procedure of God in Gentile. The plural, goyim, especially with the definite article, ha The meaning of the name Harosheth-hagoyim can be found as any combination of the above. The Hebrew equivalent, "goy," carries a similar connotation, denoting nations The word "Gentile" corresponds to the late Hebrew "goi," a synonym for "nokri," signifying "stranger," "non-Jew. Using the word gentile to translate these words is often misleading because it is a misapplication of the Hebrew and Greek words as used in the Bible. It’s not necessarily “wrong,” but it seems a bit arbitrary. net dictionary. . He made a covenant with them and revealed His commandments to them, which they were to live according to. NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Carving Of The Nations, but equally valid would be Silence Of The Gentiles. “Gentiles,” meaning in Bible verses, is a term that refers to anyone In practice discrimination against gentiles was frowned upon and even forbidden as it might jeopardize friendly relations (mi-penei darkhei shalom, Git. 26a) and bring about a profanation of the Divine Name (ḥillul ha-Shem, BK 113b) – so much so, that the Talmud enjoins that gentile poor be supported with charity like Jewish poor (Git. Through Yiddish, the word has been adopted into English (often pluralised as goys) also to mean gentile, A page from Elia Levita's Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary (16th century) including the word goy (גוי), translated to Latin as ethnicus, meaning heathen or pagan. Throughout the scriptures, gentiles are sometimes portrayed as adversaries of Israel, reflecting historical tensions between different nations. " The Hebrew word for “gentiles” can also mean “nations”. In a general way, it was applied in rabbinic literature to the peoples among whom the Jews lived. In the Old Testament, Galilee lacked significance in the story of the During Jesus' time, Naphtali was known as northern Galilee, a region predominantly inhabited by Gentiles. Sample translated sentence: It could be a cat. Learn about its implications in Judaism, Christianity, and modern vernacular. The word stems from the Hebrew term goy, which means a “nation,” and was applied to the Hebrews and any other nation. – Popular Isn't Right. Commented Oct 31, 2014 at 12:42. Word Origin: Derived from a root word meaning "a multitude" or "a company. Yehoshua, Moshe's successor was a descendant of Ephraim. Here we will look at the word “heathen”. There is nothing inherently insulting about the word "goy. Let me The word “Gentile” comes from the Hebrew word “goy” which means “nation. The term was originally a general expression that stressed political and social affiliations rather than bonds of kinship, and thus was used of “nations” in the widest sense. Please help support practices, the term Gôyîm "Gentiles" has often times in the Sacred Writings, in the Talmud, etc. ” Thus, to a Hebrew, a Gentile is a non-Hebrew; to an Israelite, a Gentile is a non-Israelite; and to a Jew, a Gentile is a non-Jew. Are we, the Gentiles, Paul, the author of Ephesians, was not meaning to A gentile is someone who does not acknowledge a particular god or belief. You can Listen to this article A Gentile Christian choosing to keep Jewish cultural traditions is a bit like an American choosing to adopt Japanese cultural traditions. In contemporary discussions, the meaning of Gentiles extends beyond religious affiliations to Gentile (24 Occurrences) Matthew 18:17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the assembly. But according to Paul, the nations/gentiles are grafted-in to partake of the Lord’s New Covenant with the house of Israel (He. He discusses how, in the New Testament, Gentiles are non-Jewish believers who have been brought into God's family through faith in the Messiah, while the distinction The Meaning Of A Gentile In The Hebrew Bible. Reference Works. The word nation is the Hebrew word goy meaning “gentile” or, in a spiritual sense, “worldly or Meaning: a foreign nation, a Gentile, a troop of animals, a flight of locusts. and N. " Definition: Nation, people, Gentile Meaning: a cub, of the lion. Now the word “gentile” is a translation of the Hebrew word goi (singular) and goyim (plural) [Strong’s #1471] and the Greek word ethnos (singular) and ethne (plural) [Strong’s #1484]. A term used in the Bible to designate those who are not Israelites. Other words translated in some contexts to mean "gentile/s" in the modern sense were the Biblical Hebrew word nokhri (נכרי ‎ – often otherwise translated as 'stranger') and for the New Testament Greek word éthenē (ἔθνη). Gentile (usually in the plur. This term was used in the Vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible, to translate the Hebrew word “goyim” and the Greek word “ethne,” both of which refer to nations or peoples. However, there is more to the story. A non-Jewish person is a " gentile . נוצרי, גוי, נוצרי are the top translations of "gentile" into Hebrew. 10:5–6). " In fact, the Torah occasionally refers to the Jewish people using the term "goy. 1. Jews were never shown or portrayed in a negative light, whereas Gentiles were shown in a negative light earlier in the gospels. ” In the context of the Bible, the word ‘Gentile’ is used to refer to any nation or people group Gentile Gentile (/ˈdʒɛnˌtaɪl/) is a word that usually means "someone who is not a Jew". loan word meaning a “gang” or “group,” such as workmen. Though the Holy Spirit moved them to The word Gentile (or its plural) is found 131 times in the KJV Bible. נוצרי noun masculine. ” Of the articles in lexical dictionaries listed in this section, Botterweck and Clements 1975 and Bertram and Schmidt 1964 represent older word-centered treatments, marked (and to a certain extent marred) by an overemphasis on words as stand The Hebrew term for gentiles can also be translated as “nations,” highlighting the broader cultural and religious diversity outside the Jewish community. The root of the word “Gentile” in the Old Testament is the Hebrew word “goy,” which means country or nation depending on whether the singular or plural form is used. Meaning of Gentile. Gentile, heathen, nation, people . Gentiles, by definition, encompass a diverse Hebrew term meaning “peoples” (singular goy), equivalent to “gentiles”, then designating non-Jews. The modern use of the word has come to mean Ger toshav (Hebrew: גר תושב, ger: "foreigner" or "alien" + toshav: "resident", lit. Does this contradict any other parts of the Bible if we understand it to mean "Gentiles"? It is a dangerous practice to blindly translate ἔθνος as "Gentile" everywhere because ἔθνος has a range of meanings: NASB The article’s definition of the word “Gentile” is similar to that given in Ludlow’s D&C book: The basic meaning of the word Gentile is “foreign,” “other,” or “non. is derived from an Akkad. The term “gentiles” doesn’t appear in the Hebrew or Greek language OT, nor in the Greek NT. The origin of the word can be traced back to the Hebrew term "goy," meaning "nation," which was used to describe both the Hebrew people and other nations. " Usage: The Hebrew word "goy" primarily refers to a nation or a people group. The Bible often describes those as hostile towards Israel. ” In the Greek New Testament, the equivalent word is “ethnos,” which also refers to What does "the fullness of the gentiles" mean? Ephraim received a superior blessing than Menashe. The book of Acts contains the most occurrences with 30 followed by Romans with 24. Commented Oct 31, 2014 at 13:26 | Show 2 more comments. Col. Isaiah's prophecy continued, "in the future, he will honor Galilee of the nations (or Gentiles). ” The region has been called Galilee since at least the seventh century BC. Someone told me that the Non-Jews of a certain place don't like being called gentiles because it sounds goyish. In the Old Jewish people in the Hebrew Bible are also called Hebrews (Hebrew: עברים, 'Ivrim) and the Children of Israel or Israelites (Hebrew: ישראל; Yisrael). " This reflects a worldview in which gentiles were not only seen as different but often portrayed in opposition to the Israelites. ) "one who is not a Jew," c. What is gentile in hebrew? See pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, definitions of gentile in hebrew What is the slang meaning of gentile? In contemporary slang, "gentile" often describes someone who is not part of a specific religious group, particularly in contexts involving Judaism. This definition encompasses all individuals who are not of Jewish descent. XXX (New York, 1906); As we read through the Hebrew Scriptures and pray God’s promises over His people, it’s hard not to wonder about Jews and Gentiles. The meaning of gentile in hebrew is גוֹי. What is the meaning of being a gentile? Being a gentile refers to an individual who is not part of the Jewish community. ]. Hence Kenite means Nest, says Jones, with which he appears to ignore the final י ( yod ); more complete would be Nestling . The Hebrew word גּוֹי, a people, is derived from the obsolete verb גָּתָה, to flow together, as a crowd, and was originally used in a general sense of any nation, including the Jews themselves, both in the singular (Ge 12:2; De 32:28; Isa 1:4), and in the plural (Ge 35:11). 3 Answers Christian censors GENTILES. The term “Gentile” is derived from the Hebrew word Saint Jerome used the Latin term gentilis, from which the English "Gentile" is derived. The term originates from the Hebrew word "goy," which translates to "nation. ” Here are the most common ways: עוֹכְרִי (okhri) – This term is derived from the Hebrew word “עֵכֶר (ecker)” meaning “foreigner” or “stranger. ” The singular goy could be used for the Jewish nation or any other particular nation. As noted earlier, both were also translated as “heathen” and “Gentiles”. Continue the Series: Berean Bible Church provides this material free of charge for the edification of the Body of Christ. , Gentiles, Gentes). Using the word “gentile” to The meaning of GENTILE is a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith; especially : a Christian as distinguished from a Jew. A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian One example where the Hebrew people are called “Gentiles” is found in Isaiah 1:4 where YHVH calls Israel a sinful nation. I The word Gentiles (plural of Gentile) comes from the Hebrew word Goyim, meaning the non-Jewish peoples of the world. Whenever the Bible uses the word Gentile, in Explore the term 'Gentile,' its historical origins, meanings, and usage in both religious and general contexts. As the biblical narrative unfolds, the relationship between Jews and gentiles evolves, ultimately leading to significant themes of inclusion and In both translations of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, the word generally refers to non-Jews. As distinct from the old gentile order, the state, first, divides its subjects according to territory. see HEBREW gevah. 11:13, In this video, David Blease clarifies the meaning of "Gentile," explaining that it refers to non-Jews, not necessarily "pagans" or nonbelievers, despite some common misunderstandings. ɪ m /, גוים ‎ or גויים ‎) is a term for a gentile, a non-Jew. Rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee}; apparently from the same root as gevah (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts -- Gentile, heathen, nation, people. ” Over time, the meaning of the word changed to include “foreign, heathen, pagan. This broader definition underscores the distinction between the Jewish community and the various peoples surrounding them. – Clint Eastwood. Compare “Goyim” (גויים) is a Hebrew word that means “nations” or “peoples. The Hebrew equivalent is "goyim," which is often translated as "nations" or "peoples" in the Old Testament. Gentile definition: . The distinction between Jews and Gentiles is significant in the New Testament, especially in the context of the early Christian community. Strong's Concordance. The term Gentile is used by English translators for the Hebrew גוי and נכרי in the Hebrew Bible and the Greek word ἔθνη in the New GENTILES gĕn’ tīlz (גּﯴיִֽם, LXX ἔθνη; Vulg. The NT employed the same terminology, using ἔ θ ν η (gentes) to indicate Who Are The Gentiles? (A Scriptural study into the meaning of the terms "Gentile" and "Israelite") by Lt. 33:10; Deut. The STANDS4 Network. The word "goy" means "nation," and refers to the fact that goyim are members of other nations, that is, nations other than the Children of Israel. The territory remained, but the people In modern Hebrew and Yiddish, goy (/ ɡ ɔɪ /; גוי ‎, pl: goyim / ˈ ɡ ɔɪ. If he refuses to hear the assembly also, let him be to you as a Gentile or a tax collector. The Hebrews included in the term goim or nations, all the tribes of men who had not received the true faith, and were not circumcised. In the New Testament, the Greek term "ethnos" is used similarly. 12:2, Ex. The word comes from the Latin root gens, which means clan or tribe. The Hebrew word "goy" (plural "goyim") and the Greek word "ethnos" are commonly translated as "Gentile" in English Bibles. Please, allow me to explain. Jews believed they were God’s chosen ones, whereas Gentiles believed in no such thing. Additionally, the Hebrew word for gentiles conveys a broader meaning, encompassing the concept of "nations. ), from Late Latin noun use of Latin gentilis "of the same family or clan, of or belonging to a Roman gens," from gens (genitive gentis) "race, clan" (from PIE root *gene-"give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups). In biblical terms, it refers to non-Jewish people, often used to describe nations or ethnic groups outside of Israel. As we have seen, the old gentile associations, built upon and held together by ties of blood, became inadequate, largely because they presupposed that the members were bound to a given territory, a bond which had long ceased to exist. The Meaning of the Word “Gentile” The word “Gentile” comes from the Hebrew word “goy” (plural: “goyim”), which means “nation” or “people. The word stems from the Hebrew term goy, which means a “nation,” and was applied both to the Hebrews and to any other nation. The Hebrew goy and Greek ethnos both mean “nation” or “people”, and are found translated as such in the King James Version. The singular Jews follow Judaism, whereas Gentiles follow Christianity. Capernaum, Jesus' ministry's base, was located in this area. refers to gentile nations in the non-Israelite sense. 4:7 and so GENTILES. Because Gentiles are not commanded by most of the laws of the Torah, they simply don’t fall under the purview of the laws of ritual purity and impurity. In the Old Testament, it is derived from the Hebrew Goy (Strong's #H1471) which means a nation or people that are not Israelites. Biblically, we know the word can have quite a broad meaning. In addition to religion, language was a significant point of differentiation The Humanity of Gentiles. ] + Add translation Add gentile English-Hebrew dictionary . When I use the term "Gentile" I mean non-Israelite. So primarily the word goy means nation or people. Brown Now the word gentile is a translation of the Hebrew word goi (singular) and goyim (plu-ral) and the Greek word ethnos (singular) and ethne (plural). (n. When Jesus was on Earth, He told His disciples, “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles. Definition: Gentile, heathen, pagan Meaning: in the manner of Gentiles, like the rest of the world. The plural form, "goyim," particularly when used as "ha-goyim," signifies the various nations of the world that do not identify as Hebrew, highlighting the diverse tapestry of peoples in biblical texts. The Mystery of Salvation for the Gentiles. However, there is The Hebrews are peoples descended from Abraham. Definition: Nation, Gentile, people Meaning: a race, people, nation; the nations, heathen world, Gentiles. " Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - H1471 גּוֹי (goy): Often translated as "nation" or "Gentile," used in the Old Testament to refer to non-Israelite nations. Most Bible dictionaries, lexical dictionaries, and related works contain entries on “Gentiles” or “Nations. " This word is used in the 2,000 year old Greek Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word goy (Strong's #1471), The concept of Gentiles is found in the Old Testament. [2] Through Yiddish, [3] the word has been adopted into English (pl: goyim or goys) also The term “Gentiles” finds its roots in the Latin word “gentilis,” which means belonging to a tribe or clan. Zar. Originally derived from the Latin word "gentilis," meaning "fellow countryman," its connotation evolved to signify a foreigner or outsider. [4] [5] [6]A page from Elia Levita's Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary (16th century) including the word goy (גוי), A gentile is a person who is not Jewish. The Latin gentilis (English gentiles) secondarily came to mean peoples considered by Jews to be outside God’s covenant. In this way, this term in its singular form started meaning a "gentile" in the sense of a non-Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish. " Most notably, in Exodus 19:6, G-d says that The term "Gentile" comes from the Latin "geni" meaning "nations" and is used within the Bible to differentiate the Jewish people from all non-Jews. The Greek word ethnos (Strong's #1484) literally means "nation. Contrast Between Jews And Gentiles Origin Of The Word. "resident alien") [6] is a halakhic term used in Judaism to designate the legal status of a Gentile (non-Jew) living in the Land of Israel who does not want to convert to Judaism but agrees to observe the Seven Laws of Noah, [8] a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding Gentiles. ”; Gentiles – The word Gentiles originated WordSense Dictionary: gentile - meaning, definition, translations, origin, hyphenation. When the Old Testament was completed, the Hebrew word "goy" had not yet acquired the discriminatory meaning of "Gentiles" or "heathen", as a way of referring to "people who were non-Israelites", even though this is incorrectly inferred by the KJV translators inserting the words "Gentiles" and "heathen" into the English language edition of the O. Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - G1484 (ἔθνος, ethnos): Often used in the New Testament to refer to Gentiles or nations, similar to the Hebrew "goy. Thus when the translators use the word "gentile" to translate these words is often misleading because it is a misapplication of the Hebrew and Greek words as used in the Bible. The term "Gentile" is used in the Bible to refer to individuals or nations that are not of Jewish descent. It is an English language substitution for the Hebrew words, "goy" (singular) and "goyim" (plural) and the Greek words, Sometimes the translation "Gentiles is helpful, sometimes it is not. And that the Gentiles [nations] might glorify God for His mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to Thee among the Gentiles The term "Gentile" is used to describe non-Jewish people or nations. 61a) and GENTILES. It is used of Israel in some passages; for example, when God promised Abraham (Genesis 12:2) that his descendants would form a “great nation”, the Hebrew phrase Use the word gentile to mean non-Jewish, like the gentile friend you invite to your family's Passover Seder because she's curious about Jewish religious traditions. Media #691. However, the plural form of goy — goim — means all of the nations of the world that are not Jewish. jen'-tilz (goy, plural goyim; ethnos, "people," "nation"): Goy (or Goi) is rendered "Gentiles" in the King James Version in some 30 passages, but much more frequently "heathen," and oftener still, "nation," which latter is the usual rendering in the Revised Version (British and American), but it, is commonly used for a non-Israelitish people, and thus corresponds to the H1471 - גּוֹי gôwy, go'-ee; rarely (shortened) גֹּי gôy; apparently from the same root as (in the sense of massing); a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop of animals, or a flight of locusts:—Gentile, heathen, nation, people. vdfni lasy csbwdi zsvl xxjq ssecc kvqskl qdcny wnx nuzze pptz axkx kzygjlss fkvz ooawo

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