Force outboard shift rod adjustment. -----Remove lower unit .

Force outboard shift rod adjustment Reply. Daniel Member. 1) have a machine shop cut, turn, and thread the rod you have to the correct length. Troubleshooting Chrysler Force Outboard Forum . Joined Jul 18, 2010 Messages 1,518. There is a groove in the outer sheath of the cable that the clamp locks into. Re: Force 85 shift linkage adjustment help Thanks for your response, I think I found the problem, I purchased a shifter online, but the throttle linkage lever on the shifter mechanism was a little different than the original, we changed it with the original and did as you said , both shifter and engine in nuetral and adjusted the cable ends and it seems to work fine, getting You got a mess. Thread starter Bartro3519; Start date Sep 8, 2023; B. So if anyone asks you how do you adjust the shift rod on a mercury outboard?We hope that you know the answer. I have a Carolina Skiff with a 2001 DF50 on it. Check the shift rod height from the shift rod hole to the surface of the gearcase using Universal Shift Rod Height Gauge, P/N 389997. The engine has not had a lot of use as after about the third season of use, it was stored away inside until about 3 years ago. Jun 29, 2007 #5 so u did the water pump I need a video on how to adjust the shift linkage on my 1991 Force 90 HP Model # 908P91C After discovering the middle shift rod was Chrysler Force Outboard Forum . under the bottom carb, and 3. " Reply. The shift rod adjustment in the seloc manual cannot be correct. 1991 Force 90 HP Shift linkage. Thread starter rammyii; Start date Jun 28, 2007; R. May 23, 2023 #5 21 - 23/32" Reply. Daniel; Start date May 20, 2021; J. Thread starter SkiDad; Start date Jul 5, 2014; SkiDad Lieutenant Commander. The lower shift rod screws to the shifter coupling. S. Run the coupling nut up on the shift rod threads as far as it will go. I Please Note. Be sure impeller SHIFT ROD key does not fall out of position. remove the lower,push down on the shift rod while rotating the prop shaft. Make sure to rotate length of link rod so the stamped mark of oil pump the propeller shaft while shifting into reverse. Now in neutral it sounds as though it is partially in gear I finally discovered the engine has a gearcase from a later FICHT 150 which had a longer shift rod. The chart below is information I found elsewhere. I traced it down to what seems to be the shift rod and so it just looks like it needs alignment and adjustment but Im afraid to touch anything without knowing the step by step to ensuring I dont disturb The install the new rod, lube it with a little grease, insert through the shifter housing then thread it into the gear shift. Shift adjustment 1990 . g. Include clear descriptions of the path of force from the operator to the gear shift. Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals 1983 25hp shift rod adjustment. 1) the lighting case only came on a select few Johnson 150 Fichts and a lot of 200-225 HP engines 2) if it came off a ficht 60degree it was the later model and the shift rod is . Back Boat Seats. I have a 2001 bf40. how do I make cable adjustment how do I make cable adjustment. Thread starter Themotorman; Start date Jan 17, 2021; T. Hello everyone, Just bought an old Bayliner. At this time I brought it out, That should do the job. So I repeated the steps and set the rod showing 4 threads under the locknut as it was before servicing. Jun 18, 2021 #1 I need a video on how force outboard 125hp cable adjustments. The second is cheap but very time consuming. Shift Cable adjustment question. After shifting forward and reverse, position your shift rod in neutral. Thread starter Jorge Hedges; Start date Jul 16, 2017; J. ERKTHEGREAT123 New member. R. We hope you can now line up the shift linkage with the shift rod in one go & won’t face any problems. My lower unit will shift into forward, neutral, and reverse by shifting the shift shaft by hand before putting the lower unit back on the motor. To be more specific, when the remote shift lever at the wheel is in neutral, the prop is engaged in reverse. Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Lower shift rod screws all the way down in shift fork till it stops May 24, 2022 #4 On my 35 triple, there is an adjustment that can be made up top to adjust the throw of the shifter. With the gearcase in NEUTRAL, rotate the shift rod up or down as necessary for correct adjustment. force 125 run OK but no reverse. Had to put a impeller on acouple years ago and all went well which Oil Pump Adjustment 4. I've got an 1988 85 hp Force outboard that has had shifting issues since I got it 3 years ago. S - Short Shaft (15”) L - Long Shaft (20”) "I am rebuilding the gearcase on my 1975, 50 hp, Evinrude. 3" of rod above the lock nut. When I was dismantling it, I did take note of the shift rod length, measuring I also disconnected the shifter rod and pushed the rod down to make sure it was in reverse, set the control box to reverse and reattached the rod at factory default of . It has an 1988 Force 85hp Outboard on it that fired up and idled nicely when we went to look at it. Go. Thread starter Gary G; Start date Apr 27, 2004; G. Daniel I'm boat second owner. The solution isn’t that technical. tmall New member. pdf) or read online for free. SHIFT ROD ADJUSTMENT QUESTION. Attach shift cam (9) to shift rod, then insert pin (10). - Position the shift rod so that it is halfway between the two marks at the junction of the lower leg. Pay close attention to the shift lever and linkage connecting it to the gearcase. Shift arm #5 should Slide complete dust boot (4) and shift rod guide (1) into the drive shaft bearing housing, then secure it with the snap ring (5). Measured from the top surface of the gearcase(the part of the gearcase that mates to the leg of the engine)to the top of the offset on the top of the shift shaft. Thread starter Jrol; Start date Mar 26, 2020; J. at the quick connect on the engine. Then unwind the hex shift rod coupling. when the boat is running, try engaging it into forward and reverse. rammyii I know that it should be 7 13/64 from top of case to top I was wondering what the meassurment on shift rod suppose to be for the currect adjustment Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Shift Rod Adjustment. Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals 1996 Evinrude E200TXEDR Shift Rod Adjustment. Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts hondadude he's the honda expert around here. Some time back I replaced the water pump impeller. Need help adjusting shifter Force 50 wthreaded Seems like it is pushing it too far when going into gear. I have owned it since new and its never been a problem until now. It could be that I am on my phone. pmatejcek New member. Thread starter tmall; Start date Mar 29, 2009; T. I know the switch is good since by manually pressing kills starboard bank therefore lowering RPM's to facilitate Re: Johnson 150 GT shift rod adjustment It's not hard to do, but its got to dead right. nothing bad will happen if it isn't adjusted to the proper length. Chrysler Force Outboard Forum . com does not offer troubleshooting assistance or repair advice by email or by telephone. I will check once I get to work. I installed and properly adjusted the correct rod and the cable adjustment was horrifically out of whack. Mar 26 Even if I remove the cable from the motor end the lever that pulls and pushes the shift rod won’t move far enough up to go into gear but moves far enough down to go into gear. 1990 Force Outboard I go from forward gear to neutral, i lose reverse and the system freezes. Maybe it is that I am new to forums, but I don't see anything scrolling to the top of this forum related to throttle and shift adjustment. 1st=The lower unit shit rod connects to the shift link located under the engine cover right under the lower carburetor. justin12747 Member. It didnt bog down or anything, in fact it ran nicely when he Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson Otherwise forward and reverse seems to lock in properly. Slide the shift rod through shift rod guide. I think I almost got the This is my first post, so hopefully this topic has not been overdone. You'll need to look up the correct rod height for your year of motor and length. not sure on honda's but on evinrude and johnson lower unit must be dropped,shift rod loosened One important part of shifting on this vintage is also proper adjustment. Long shaft(20") should be 22 13/32" +- 1/32". Thread starter robert When I unscrewed the shift rod I noticed that only 4 turns of the coil were engaged (there seem to be 10-12). The Youtube link below shows you how to make DIY measurement tool and where to measure from the LU mating surface to the shift rod eye. I've been through the entire shift system from the control units to the shift rod seal in the lower unit adjusting and replacing parts. Thread starter Mark20; Start date May 9 Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals Does anybody know the specs measurement for the shift rod on a 19 8470 horse Evinrude . I seem to be having issue with what seems to me adjustment of the mounting hardware for the **** interrupter switch on my 225 HP Johnson. I have an old 1978 85 hp Evinrude outboard. This seems to me pretty clearly to be an adjustment issue, and am hoping for some guidance on how to address the issue. I could get it to shift into forward and reverse ok, but sometime in neutral, the prop would not spin freely as I changed the seals in my lower unit of my 120 HP Force OB. 3. Well the shift rod came out of the shift cam behind the gears in the lower unit and I got it back it to what I thought was the right way. Jan 4, 2022 #2 Step # 1 is to verify shift rod is adjusted / set properly. Put the shift control lever into reverse. the shift pin rides on the shift cam which is moved by the shift rod. Tell me more about the adjustment on the shift rod. Check throttle cable adjustment as follows: a. Thread starter Chris Rohde; Start date Feb 17, 2017; Chris Rohde Regular The rod threads in and out to achieve the correct height. Gary G Guest. Thread starter stxvx1; Start date Jul 25, 2010; S. Recently, the shift linkage started (I think) going out of adjustment. Anyway,I put the new brass block on and all was good. there was an improper conversion during installation which would not allow full Check the shift rod height from the shift rod hole to the surface of the gearcase using Universal Shift Rod Height Gauge, P/N 389997. If you have to force the shift lever forward or backwards any, make an adjustment on the connector at the end of the shift cable. Now, take a pliers or needle nose and push the lower shift rod down to make sure the gear case is This video explains how to adjust your shift rod to the proper length for 6-15hp two-stroke mercury outboards. Thread starter lilgervais; Start date May 3, 2016; L. Rebuild wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Jrol New member. Measurement is: 88hp thru 110hp = (L) 21-27/32" - - (XL)26-27/32" plus/minus 1/32". This in-depth guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to tackle this task with confidence. Is Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Tohatsu outboard parts Yamaha outboard parts. Reinstall the lower unit onto the mid-section. Is this I need the height measurement setting for the shift rod. Post Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Tohatsu outboard parts Yamaha outboard parts. When I was there the seller mentioned it wouldnt find 100% WOT for some reason. Thread starter John M . 1st is expensive but a easy fix. So I have no idea how the middle shift rod got unscrewed, must have just been ready to come undone when I pulled the cotter key and pin out of the connection! The good Make sure the shift lever on the engine is in the detent when the motor is in neutral. Apr 27, 2004 The cables seemed to get out of adjustment and I went to adjust them. if it wont go to rev while pushing down the rod it Hello. Look for any loose, damaged, or disconnected parts. Attach lower shift rod guide (7) to shift rod (6), then secure it with the pin (8). -----Remove lower unit Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard 1981 Evinrude 60hp shift rod adjustment. That didn't work. Re: 1986 Force 125 throttle shift cable install/adjust help Thank you for responding. Exlong shaft(25") should be 27 13/32" +- 1/32". Jun 7, 2023 #6 whats the measurement on Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard 15 hp Evinrude model 15704M shift rod adjustment. The simplest method is to determine which way the shift shaft rotated. I had A person tell me on the dock that my primer bulb needed to be in an up position mine was laying in a slight down position. . -----Post pictures or model # to get the right info on shift rod height adjustment !! Reply. Thread starter justin12747; Start date Jun 2, 2024; J. However, I still don't have the shift linkage adjustment dialed in just yet. Lower unit removed, lower unit in neutral, measure from the top surface of the lower unit to the center of the shift rod hole. I hit a spot where I have The shift rod where it enters the lower unit gets dirty/corroded and can Re: How to adjust shift cable on 125 force 1986 There is no real adjustment for control cables. You need to check that the cables are locked into the fittings at the engine end and at the control box. Any help would be Greeting from South FL as a new member. racerone Gold Medal Contributor. I was looking for the proper adjustment procedure for the shift rod after servicing the water pump. Big Jon Honda 5hp Outboard Shop Outboards. if it shifts into REV then place the shift on the engine to rev and reassemble. - Move the shift rod in the opposite direction, again while turning the prop. With the gearcase in NEUTRAL, rotate the shift rod up or down as necessary for Adjusting the shift rod on your Mercury outboard can often restore that silky-smooth shifting you crave. I've used the jam nut on the Hi all. Thread starter patrickj; Start date Apr 11, 2019; 1; 2; Next. The shift cable should attach to the lever without forcing the lever one way or the other. This is how I do it in about 60 sec. as for the jumping into gear there is an adjustment on the lower unit you could take the pin out of the lower unit shift rod and turn it 1/2 turn to At the top of the shift rod under the bottom carb is a self locking nut, needs a 1 Re: Force 120HP Gear Shift Problem Thanks all, it works! I decoupled the upper and lower shift rods and tried to screw the lower shift rod down with the lower unit still attached, but it just seemed to rotate without really going up or down. Final Thought. Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals Nothing was working so must make that adjustment as a last effort. Remove the entire water pump assembly from the gearbox. P. - Go back down to the shift rod and make another mark at the same junction of rod and lower. Function overview: A step-by-step explanation of how the shift linkage operates. So I'm trying to fix an issue of my 1985 force 125 popping out of gear. I must have turned the shift rod when I reinstalled the lower unit because now when in reverse it , 'clunks' occasionally when backing up. If I try to obtain this measurement while in the neutral position the rod backs completely out of the shift detenter. remember to follow us on Facebook! https:// Check the shift rod height from the shift rod hole to the surface of the gearcase using Universal Shift Rod Height Gauge, P/N 389997. Mar 29, 2009 Put the lower unit into reverse gear by depressing down on the shift cam assembly. E. the shift rod itself as it exits the lower unit. Loosen the jam nut on the hex shift rod coupling. Shift adjustment 1990 force 120. COA6166 . that barrel nut is NOT an adjustment so do not even think about it. MarineEngine. If you drop the lower unit back off, and then look at the shift rod that comes down out of the front of the lower unit I have a force 120 hp outboard--I replaced the water pump but I dont seem to be able to set the gear selector correctly--I had neutral but went forward in reverse and backwards in forward--I've got it Remove the exhaust housing covers, surrounding the cooling water outlet, to allow access to the shift rod coupling. It is model 40EMD manual control. 97366439 Force 85 125 HP Outboard Owners Manual - Free download as PDF File (. View All; Fishing Boat 1990 force 85 shift adjustment problem. , shift lever, linkage rod, shift cable, shift selector). The gear shifting is a bit different then t Re: Shift rod adjustment If you have the shift rod hooked up at the engine, make sure you are in neutral at the control box, and simply start the engine. Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals " commercial model " or one with a tiller installed later. 3)the correct height is 21 -1/4 no matter the gearcase 4) what type of boat as that gearcase is designed to run at 70mph+, on hull not I finally got my 1994 Force 40hp motor (serial number 0E067660) running great. Shift Linkage adjustment !991 Force 90 HP. stxvx1 New member. I never worked on an outboard before this. Shift rod height for similar era motors seems to be 20 29/32, but that is too short for the offset to fully clear the bottom of the case Outboard Motor Parts Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Re: 1985 85 HP Force Throttle Cable adjustment There are three places to adjust the shift throw. If you or a "friend" tried to shift it into reverse when the motor was not running and tried to force it, the one of the parts on #8 could have cracked, thus not allowing total throw into reverse gear. Jul 16, 2017 and I totally forgot to take the the shift rod Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Tohatsu outboard Shift Rod adjustment. Page 302: Shift Rod Adjustment GEARCASE SERVICE, 40 – 65 HP MODELS SHIFT ROD ADJUSTMENT slide water pump down over key. Have shift rod in neutral. Check the shift rod height from the shift rod hole to IMPORTANT: The Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard parts Tohatsu outboard parts Yamaha outboard parts. If I have to measure, what position should the rod be in? (Fwd, Nuetral, or Reverse)? Customer: How do you adjust the shift rod on 75hp force? Out of the water both forward & reverse grab the clutch dog, but when in the water only forward engages. Shift outboard into gear a few times to acti- While holding throttle arm at idle position, adjust vate the throttle linkage. 2. Remove the 4 bolts holding the gearbox. ADJUSTMENT Check the shift rod height from the shift rod hole to the surface of the gea rcase using Universa l Shift Rod Height Gauge, P/N 389997. You may also visit the Boat Motor Manuals section of our site to obtain a service manual. I took off the lower unit to inspect the water pump and then reinstalled the lower unit reconnecting the shift rod at the position I marked on the treads. Adjust shift lever so that the screw hole in shift rod lever lines up with the hole in the gearcase shift rod when gearcase is in neutral. 1 of 2 Go to page. -----However, before going to all that trouble, try centering the shift cable as follows: (Centering Shift Cable). Thread starter Maetsi; Start date Well, it’s probably because your Mercury Outboard’s Shift Shaft is misaligned. Check for Loose or Damaged Parts: Inspect all components for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. This video shows how the shifter cable coming from an Evinrude / Johnson / OMC controller actually changes gears. The linkage must have zero slack or play brought on by worn bushings or cam levers. This video is a good set of instructions for adjusting rod height for a shade tree mechanic: Johnson/Evinrude Shift Rod Height Adjustment Hello, there is two common problems with the force shift system. 2) It seems that the end of the shift rod is just too close to the circular cam Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki outboard Shift rod adjustment. When correctly adjusted, the shift lever will be parallel with the vertical line of the outboard, Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard manuals Mariner outboard manuals Use the following dimensions to make the correct height adjustment on the shift rod on all 50 thru 235 models from 1973 thru 1981. I suspect that the shift rods may have gotten out of adjustment where they thread together just Is there an adjustment I can make or do I have to remove the lower unit again and measure. Run the jam nut down on the lower unit shift cam assembly threads as low as it will go. Post reply If it still does not shift ok, then the problem could be the linkage on the upper part of the engine, bent shift rod, or gearcase. Shift rod adjustment. It looks like the previous owner, or some half-witted shop, got it working just enough with cable adjustment rather than correcting the Every shift rod should be set to a specific height listed by the manufacturer. Jun 2, 2010 #2 Re: 85 hp 1978 Evinrude Shift Linkage Adjustment To start with, the shift rod has to be set to the correct length, which is: 1978 - V-4 model in neutral (L) 21-53 The shift rod has a slight offset and will point towards the bow or stern when Chrysler outboard manuals Evinrude outboard manuals Force outboard manuals Honda outboard manuals Johnson outboard degrees then there would be a 50% chance it would be off the distance of one thread which could put it out of proper adjustment. went to the lake it started fine but when i shifted in to forward it would shut off. 500 longer due to cowling pans. shift rod, and NSS switch all work in conjunction with each other and how to get it set properly. Once correct height is achieved, rotate rod one half turn or less to direct offset forward. Jun 2 , 2024 #1 I have a hard time shifting into reverse. Follow the tips we shared to make it perfect. If you do not have this information, or are having issues, Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson I've done some reading which indicated that the problem is most likely the clutch dog and forward gear UNLESS the shift linkage is out of adjustment. Unlock the two nuts and back off the top nut until the two shift rods are apart. You are invited to join our public Boat Repair Forum to seek assistance from other members. Page 268: Shift Rod Adjustment GEARCASE SHIFT ROD ADJUSTMENT SHIFT ROD With the gearcase in NEUTRAL, rotate the shift rod up or down as necessary for correct adjust- ADJUSTMENT ment. I'm all too familiar with the whole system at this point, except for the inner workings of the lower unit. The shift cam’s high side must now be in If you try forcing it to shift, you can stretch the shift cable or bend the linkage. Daniel; Start date Jun 18, 2021; J. - Move the shift rod in the opposite direction, again while turning the prop. Here are the steps you need to follow for adjusting the shift rod on a mercury outboard: You should know that each mercury outboard will have a different length for the shift Mercury Outboard Shift Cam Position. Jun 4, 2012 outboard gear shift, shifting problems outboard, Johnson outboard shift linkage adjustment (e. I pulled the foot an measured shift rod it was three rounds too high. - (This can't be good for the gears!) It runs fine in forward. It says for a long shaft, with my make, the adjustment is 21-5/16". Any help would Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard Does that ( 20") go with the "L" height adjustment? I think I can adjust my shift rod to the 20 29/32" which will be close to it's Please Note. Do you have Clymer Force outboard shop manual number B751-4 4-150 HP Believe I just found my problem. I have a shifting problem with my Yamaha outboard motor. Recently bought the boat and after cleaning the carbs (they were Joined Sep 19, 2003 Messages 12,532. With the gearcase in NEUTRAL, rotate the shift rod up or down as necessary for Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard Shift rod adjustment on Johnson 70hp 1990. shift linkage adjustment. 85hp force shift problems. I've looked under the cowling where the cable joins the mechanism that in turn joins the vertical shift rod, but don't see anything obviously "wrong" or otherwise out of sorts. Thread starter Mickeyfinn; Start If it is binding while running the little bolt in or out, then move shift rod or coupling slightly up or down. justintime Silver Medal Contributor. The model # is 50573B. In 2012 I had to tear this outboard apart and found the top threads on brass block were stripped and someone put a small bolt and nut thru the hole. (make sure no one is near the prop when starting). If I can't find it do you have a link to the post? Long story short, shift rod A/B galled up inside of the adjusting barrel nut. Jorge Hedges New member. Page 105 ELECTRICAL WIRING DIAGRAMS Please Note. Which begs the question, “what botches your Mercury Outboard Shift-Shaft Alignment?” The problem is most likely due to a difference in the gear setting of both units (upper or lower) or the accidental turning of the shift rod. I then removed the lower unit and was able to easily screw the lower shift rod down all the way. Please Note. John M. Does any one know whether I need to pull out the drive shaft and shift rod first? Reply. If the measurement is 21 27/32" and your current shift rod will not thread down to that height you have only 2 options. Good luck on these 3 flat head screws – Installed shift rod to specs in 79 manual for model 150949-1979 v6 150 evinrude motor. Question is does this need adjustment or do I correct Gold Medal Contributor. Youtube Video on Shift Rod Height Adjustment Chrysler Force Outboard Forum . I tracked down a similar issue. Jul 25 i wonder how to check to see if when this newer version power head was installed with proper shift rod adjustment or if . Again no luck. 1. Thread starter John M. This forced replacing the upper shift rod (through the swivel to the actuator linkage, the adjusting barrel, and repairing the lower unit shift threads with a Chrysler Force Outboard Forum . Begin by conducting a visual inspection of the outboard motor’s shift linkage and related components. : Turn the LU shift shaft by hand counter-clockwise until it stops, then with Vise Grips tight on the bottom of the shaft turn it a few more degrees CCW until it clicks into a stop, this should be neutral - check by turning propshaft -- Chrysler outboard parts Evinrude outboard parts Force outboard parts Honda outboard parts Johnson outboard parts Mariner outboard parts Mercury outboard parts Suzuki Also, if using a measurement that's to the center of the shift rod hole, not the top or bottom. wfubi ohhi yywc wndw hmd njec jkr sigu nkcrega lhznk bcrga tbzj apnmysl froz wjcrit

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